Behind the gray fog, "Mr. Fool" was left a bit speechless, mumbling, "Isn't… isn't that Iron Man?"
Book&Literature · ordinary_people
I mean corpses smell awful but it's rarely the blood that makes it smell that bad
The rush scent of blood filled my nose as I couldn't help but throw up my lunch in the process, "Blegh…!!!"
Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
That kind of kindness, that kind of forgiveness was just something that Harry couldn't understand. Luna had suffered, yet she just ignored her pain and moved on to her carefree life. She wasn't putting on a mask or hiding her suffering, she just forgave them and didn't care, and that was unnatural, that was inhuman. A human being is not supposed to act like that. Even good people simply repressed the urge to have some kind of vengeance, something that would have been quite easy for Luna to pull off, but she just let go.
Book&Literature · athass_prkr
only works for the ring not what it stores
Getting up he got dressed in the spare set of jeans and blue t-shirt he had in Greed which was a bit tight due to his growth over the past school year. A quick transfiguration fixed this problem leaving him comfortable and also fully covered. No one else was awake at the moment since it was dawn so Nick left the dorm room quietly. He activated the house elf calling bust in the common room summoning one of the wrinkled floppy eared tiny servants to himself. "I need about ten loaves of lembas bread for over the summer , could you help me get it before I leave?" he asked politely.-
Book&Literature · loskro
"No but or ifs, young man. Visualize it in your head. Visualize the kettle full of water." He said, pointing his head.
Games · Galanar
'give suggestions'
Anime & Comics · Smalltimewriter
3. Multiverse/HxH fanfic with the MC reincarnates into Hunter x Hunter and grows in power in that world gaining and steal everything with his average level talent but will succeed it with his Nen ability. Later on he will go on a Multiverse Travel for fun and strength to find enjoyment in his life in an endless dream while being a part time merchant or mentor to other characters which involves Dark Multiverse.
Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
agreed but dont forget he also trying to entertain his audience so manye a few here or there out load to for them
Also, just curious whether or not you want me to have Akira announce his attacks whenever he is fighting, though obviously not while he is trying to be stealthy and all that. I just feel like scripting the battle with no attacks being called out can be a bit awkward sometimes, though that might just be me, I don't mind either way. I'll do so for this chapter, but I'll definitely stop if the majority of you guys don't want the attacks to me announced. So, please do tell!
Video Games · WinterFlare
'Nobody can ever know this fucking happened.'
Zero Fate Against the World (New Version)
Video Games · Abadom