

male LV 13

A guy who loves multiverse stories of animes.

2021-08-24 入りました Brazil
バッジ 10

Moments 1716
15 days ago

Idk if all of these 5-star reviews are bots or not, but this novel is mediocre. We have the same thing that we always, ALWAYS see in this type of novel. He is an average mc, who had a girlfriend but was snatched away by someone else (authors have a cuck fetish to be doing this thing), he is poor, his family has problems, a father who drinks a lot, lost his mother and stepmother, and guess what? Has a little brother who is great and the only thing he cares about (talk about being creative). Not only this, but he works at a job that pays badly with an angry boss, has no friends, is an introvert who doesn't take care of himself, and has other tropes that you see all around these systems novels in the modern world. Then after it, out of nowhere he gets the system, and starts spending money to get 10x more than what he spent, and that's where things start getting annoying. The author doesn't know how to write a character, the mc is bland, doesn't have 'life', if you understand me, he is just a character who is doing things without an objective, like "hey, I spent here, then now I will go here, buy this and that, I don't want hobbies, don't wanna read (he is dumb as fuck in the literal sense), and other shit". It's just a bland character, who doesn't have likes, dislikes, hobbies, like literally nothing, it's just someone with a bad background, sad with life who received a system and now is using it without caring about it. And then we start with bad decisions, getting two women out of nowhere who was trying to find a job, at this point he received a villa and needed someone to take care of it for him, he could hire professional cookers, cleaners, butlers, maid, whatever shit he wanted, but what do you think he did? Hired these two women, which btw he said he would give them jobs but didn't even care about asking the simple thing of all, their names. And then he let them work for him (he doesn't know about their character, nothing about them except their names, and he just let them inside his house not caring if they will rob him or not). After he hired them, he basically said "Well, I will give 5k now, and you don't need to work today or tomorrow," so wtf did you hire them if you are not even bothered to let them work? Not even counting the fact that he doesn't know if they are professional or not. Then he goes around with one of them spending 96k on "quality products" and the first meal he has is basically rice, chicken, and salad? I mean, I know you don't need to have a lot of things to eat, but for someone who spent 96k on quality products, isn't it a little too basic? And then we will have some face slapping of course, he received a call from a classmate where the whole class will meet each other for the older times (let's remember the mc was an introverted loser), and then of course instead of working out on himself and getting to know more about his system, etc, he will go there to face slap everyone about how he changed, the mc needs this ego boost. Well, there are more things that are so bad that I couldn't even finish the free chapters, so if you are here because you are looking for a great system novel and because of the reviews, sorry to say to you, but this is just a "copy-paste" novel with the same Chinese tropes that you generally see out there, with a bland mc with -80 iq (serious he has 5 of intelligence when the average is 10), who doesn't have objectives and a bad world building.

17 days ago
Replied to novel_enjoyer0321

?? you dont even know if this would even happen

"Fuck, this world is so outrageous; is it possible to recover from the fatal beating in just a day? Or is it because I didn't strike hard enough?"

I really don't want to open a harem here

I really don't want to open a harem here

Anime & Comics · Abhii_28

17 days ago
Replied to Gonzalo_Pereira_6949

it does because its a curse, Orsted curse makes anyone hates and fear him, and the mc didnt antagoniza him, he was just prepared in case of Orsted attacking since he was obciously strong and the mc was getting in the state of the curse, so of course he would prepare himself and get alerted if a strong person was near them and even say their nomes, but whatever you prefer to not understand something simple, have a good day

18 days ago
Replied to iModex

it doesnt matter, his has no power and this 1% is nothing, he cant bypass technology and the hundreds of soldiers stated there

And while attempting to cross two heavily guarded borders was madness for anyone else, for Robert, it was just part of the job, even in his current situation.



Anime & Comics · Culture_Lover

18 days ago
Replied to PizzaStopsTime


18 days ago
Replied to Adrion_Lord

I mean, why not? Just because she is young? She still got older the same way, at least for me I don't find it strange she thinking like this, after all, what she said really happened, she got older and smarter, nothing wrong just because she is young.

As I got older and smarter, especially when I began going into town with Big Brother, Eris, or Ruijerd to secure supplies, I learned just how amazing my brother was compared to the rest of the world, as well as how much he sacrificed for us.

Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC

Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC

Anime & Comics · OmegaLul1234

18 days ago
Replied to Soda_T

But it was what he said in anime and ln

"Er, no, just…" he then looked at me before clenching his fist. "You… I know that no father should say this, but… save your mother and Lilia… even if it kills you… please."

Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC

Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC

Anime & Comics · OmegaLul1234

18 days ago
Replied to Adrion_Lord

So? She got older anyways, or did she rejuvenate?

As I got older and smarter, especially when I began going into town with Big Brother, Eris, or Ruijerd to secure supplies, I learned just how amazing my brother was compared to the rest of the world, as well as how much he sacrificed for us.

Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC

Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC

Anime & Comics · OmegaLul1234