Webnovel Author: Quicksilver_Fan - Fanfic Collection



male LV 1

Quicksilver go brrrrr

2021-08-03 入りました United Kingdom

バッジ 2

Moments 62

Replied to streek135

I'm pretty much saying that one is Magical (TVD) and the other is Biological and through a mutated retrovirus (Underworld). The Originals are the original vampires wrought by Magical means while Marcus and his brother (Underworld) are the original vampire and werewolf, respectively, through a mutation in the Immortal bloodline.

"By the Saints, we didn't think you'd ever be awake," the monk started, poking and prodding at me as he spoke, "You've been asleep for a month and yet there's no sign of atrophy nor any of the other afflictions that come with not moving for a month," he pulled out a notepad from his robes, jotting down something in scraggly, messy handwriting. What really caught my attention, however, was the old fashioned ballpoint pen he was using to write.

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

TV · Quicksilver_Fan

Replied to Alien_Space_Bat

I'm not mad, my friend. Just saying how I see Deathstoke's strength.

(*A/n - The way I see it, the SSS Cap took enhances the human body and mind to the max it could be, while the serum Deathstroke took just improves whatever it comes into contact with. So even if the person was like Cap, the serum Deathstroke took would still give them a boost. Even if that's not how it'd work, I'm still gonna have it be like that because this is my fanfic. Creative license and all that.)

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

TV · Quicksilver_Fan

Replied to GodErebos

That's a fair point. Every one deals with it differently, as you say, and my MC deals with it in his own way. He isn't stopped by his thoughts and still does his job, as everyone in his particular job would do so. Either way, thank you for your service in whichever armed forces you were in - I have massive respect for those who choose to serve their country! :)

(*A/n - Before people start complaining about this, let me tell you this: I want my MC to be a 3-dimension character and not some cardboard cutout that kills without questioning his actions. I'm sick and tired of reading about MCs who kill, have a moment of regret and then forgot all about it in the next bloody paragraph. If it were that easy to forget about killing something and going through horrible situations, soldiers wouldn't come back from war with PTSD, would they?)

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

TV · Quicksilver_Fan

Replied to Zyes1


Viktor and Marcus come from the movie series 'Underworld'. And it was at that moment that I knew I was in a much, much more dangerous world than I originally thought. Luckily, the Mikaelsons had fled to America after being constantly hunted by both the Order and their father.

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

TV · Quicksilver_Fan

Replied to Hk4747

In all seriousness though, this is obviously a mistake. I'll fix it now lol. Thanks for pointing it out!

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

TV · Quicksilver_Fan

Replied to

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

TV · Quicksilver_Fan

Replied to Kxng_X_Crooks

Good ol' Lucifer. Not evil, world-destroyer Lucifer but simply Lucifer who makes deals with those who need them regardless of the consequences. You could say he's more like Lucifer from the TV show 'Lucifer' prior to meeting and falling in love with Chloe (the Detective).

"...But then the Devil gave Dracula wings*, making the door useless," Anna added in realization while Van Helsing looked utterly stumped that anyone could ever forget the key to a door that led to Dracula's lair. I had to admit, I felt the same.

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

The Vampire Diaries: Superhuman

TV · Quicksilver_Fan
