

LV 4
2021-12-28 入りました Global
バッジ 4

Moments 496
14 hours ago

Damnnn nice👏

"My classroom is open all hours of the day, twenty-four-seven, as by a nuance of a botched ritual; I no longer sleep." Without pause he rolled his eyes and stated, "No, I am not a vampire, or a magical creature. Thank you for your concern for my health." He stated dryly. "Of course, I do not encourage staying up or roaming the halls after curfew, but if you are for some reason up at such a time and in need of something for any reason; know my door is open." He let that sit for a moment, "Furthermore, for those Seventh Years looking for Apprenticeships under a Master for the following schools of Alchemy, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Divination, or Charms; the opportunity is there, my time is much, but my patience is few and my requirements strict."

Eldritch Dealings [Multicross]

Eldritch Dealings [Multicross]

Anime & Comics · LordDylz

21 hours ago


21 hours ago

A perk I really want no, I really need

1 days ago

right at the start huh nice

1 days ago

wait what did he say? I'm confused as hell

Brit glanced at the chat, smiled, and waved his hands: "Everyone, don't be afraid, the strength of mine is obvious to all. Look at me performing a wave for everyone today."

Developed A SCP Foundation Game

Developed A SCP Foundation Game

Video Games · Sokdavid

4 days ago

holy wow from the Main Man never seen this one before nice

Health factor: On the same level as Lobo from DC

Monarch in marvel

Monarch in marvel

Movies · illu0

4 days ago


Now, as to why I decided to go into the army. In truth I didn't. My life plans were cut short when a war erupted. One of the world powers decided to test their luck in dominating its surrounding countries, completely disregarding the alliances formed by the countries under attack.

Quirk: Shadow Monarch

Quirk: Shadow Monarch

Anime & Comics · stoneclauss

8 days ago
Replied to RewindTime

niceee can't wait to see it

Magneto's eyes widened, but it was already too late. In a flash of yellow light, Minato appeared above him, his Rasengan blazing like a miniature sun.

Minato in Marvel

Minato in Marvel

Anime & Comics · RewindTime

8 days ago
Replied to RewindTime

I like this story and I definitely would continue reading this author I'm interested and honestly waiting for the time where Minato finally do something like annihilating an entire army and seeing what others would think of it anyway that's all thank you for reading my comments

Magneto's eyes widened, but it was already too late. In a flash of yellow light, Minato appeared above him, his Rasengan blazing like a miniature sun.

Minato in Marvel

Minato in Marvel

Anime & Comics · RewindTime

8 days ago

broooo if he survives this it just won't make any pricking sense because even Shinobi's who I know have far more durable bodies didn't survive one hit from this hahaha like I'll understand if it's like someone who have a amazing regeneration like wolverine but magneto he'll na bro he dead btw did you guys know that pretty much every kage and other top jonins are light speeds will it's more of a fan theory because the stories doesn't outright say it because in some cases it's just stated that some characters are moving soo fast but it doesn't say HOW fast but anyway this people are getting through minato when he can out speed all the other kage's (ahem except he's son Naruto of course) and no minato is not only fast because of flying rajin he is just absolutely fast anyway I'm just thinking right now that it's because minato is still just running with he's body's instinct and remember he's memories that's why this people can still get through him who should not even be able to see him even the silver moron because quick silver have a hard peak of speeds in comics or live action he's not light speed or anything he can't react to any attacks from any kage's in Naruto and yes this includes even shikamaru I don't even know why I did this but it's just that some of the moments here on this story is getting painful to read but I still like and want to read this because the idea of this story is something that interest me soo I hope you don't mind this comment of mine too much I'm honestly just a fan of Minato hahaha that why some of the moments here is painful for me hahaha anyway I hope for more chapters to come everyday author good luck

Magneto's eyes widened, but it was already too late. In a flash of yellow light, Minato appeared above him, his Rasengan blazing like a miniature sun.

Minato in Marvel

Minato in Marvel

Anime & Comics · RewindTime