

LV 14
2021-06-24 入りました Global
バッジ 24

Moments 3423
1 days ago
Replied to Ignacy_Anusiewicz

Wolves (or at least those with human-like intelligence) are fickle creatures indeed.

2 days ago

So Australia, or around 12 million square miles.

If Rowan should approximate the size of this place based on what he has seen, this place should be as big as the smallest continent on earth.

Lord Evolution: Starting With SS-rank Skills

Lord Evolution: Starting With SS-rank Skills

Fantasy · Deathsketcher

3 days ago
Replied to A7_bel

Fair enough I guess. I did word that poorly. I just don't want this to end with "it's okay for us to have different beliefs", because that's not true. I want to hear/read what your reasoning is for believing in Islam over Judaism or Christianity, as I have no experience with Islam, and only know the surface level details. To me the surface-level details make Islam sound pretty much like a step back from Christianity created explicitly to mislead people. If it is true that Islam claims that Jesus is only a prophet, despite Jesus being recorded in several accounts as saying that he was the Son of God and Son of Man, (such as Luke 19:10), then that immediately sounds super sketchy to me. I'd like to not just have that narrow understanding that might be based on a miscommunication/misconception.

3 days ago
Replied to A7_bel

I can agree with your sentiment, but I'm going to say that I don't think you're taking this as seriously as you should. We can't both be right. Either I'm right, and believing that Jesus dying on the cross is enough to pay the penalty for human sins is the only way to escape an eternity in Hell after death, or you're right and I'm destined to Hell for heresy/blasphemy against Yahweh. There isn't any other alternative. If one of us is wrong, they will be going to suffer eternally in Hell. Based on the evidence we have about Jesus's life and death (both Biblical and extrabiblical), I genuinely believe that you will go to Hell if you don't believe in Jesus. Humans are too sinful to make it to heaven without the intercession of a sacrifice to fix the problem. Israel spent a thousand years under the Old Covenant making yearly sacrifices to fix that problem. Under the New Covenant, Jesus's sacrifice on Calvary was enough for all of time. I'm not going to be mad if you disagree with me, but I do think that this discussion is worth having.

4 days ago
Replied to A7_bel

Just because it sounds like a contradiction, that doesn't mean it is. Even in our normal lives, things can be in two states at once, acting as both in different situations. Here's a pretty famous quote from the Bible. "In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made that have been made. ... The Word became flesh, and made its dwelling among us. We have seen his power, the power of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." - John 1:1-3, 17. John's testimony focuses a lot on the divinity of Christ, and the miracles he performed, while Matthew emphasized the humanity of Jesus, and the other two gospels of Mark (Peter's perspective) and Luke lay in the middle. All four agree that Jesus performed miracles, and that Jesus did so while claiming to be equal with God, yet willingly submitting to God's authority. All of them emphasize that Jesus condescended to be with man out of love for humanity. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life." - John 3:16. Paul also emphasized the same to the Romans in his letter, stating "But God demonstrates his own love in this, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8. If there is one thing that the Bible makes clear above all else, it is that God loves humanity. There is no distance between God and humanity except the distance we consciously create ourselves.

7 days ago
Replied to Samantha_M_7035

No problem! 😁

Suxin's mind went blank. The news had come so abruptly that she was caught off guard. She'd always been diligent at work, and though she hadn't made any significant achievements, she hadn't made any mistakes, either. Had she unwittingly offended someone?

Beloved Bride: Captured by the Top Playboy

Beloved Bride: Captured by the Top Playboy

General · AutumnLeavesNoTrace

7 days ago
Replied to Samantha_M_7035

Depends on the country. In the US, and most European countries, you are entitled to a reasonable explanation for being fired. Taking time off for a wedding photoshoot is not something that you can be fired for unless you no-call no-show to work, and you generally have to have done the same action before at least once or twice. Workers have many more rights in these countries, and can appeal to the courts if they believe they were unreasonably terminated. China and India have significantly fewer protections though, so it's true that you can be fired for basically anything, with only minimal reason necessary.

Suxin's mind went blank. The news had come so abruptly that she was caught off guard. She'd always been diligent at work, and though she hadn't made any significant achievements, she hadn't made any mistakes, either. Had she unwittingly offended someone?

Beloved Bride: Captured by the Top Playboy

Beloved Bride: Captured by the Top Playboy

General · AutumnLeavesNoTrace

12 days ago

Just call them cold weapons. Guns were invented and developed during the Medieval Period, so that label isn't very accurate in this context. Variations of the weapons that became guns and similar items existed even in the ancient era, with weapons made to throw flaming oil, a precursor to grenades, were used even by the Greeks and Persians.

Despite this limitation, the [Crimson Forge] skill proved to be remarkably versatile. Even with medieval-style weapons, I had a suitable tool for any task at hand. Once again, my imagination and available blood were the only constraints.

Morgana: The Mother Of All

Morgana: The Mother Of All

Fantasy · Midnight_Paradox

19 days ago
Replied to Murdof


Thinking about this, Zhang Nu could not help but feel a sense of satisfaction. When Heroes flocked to assassinate the Demon Lord and finally succeeded after numerous attempts, only to discover that the Dark Dragon King was a counterfeit and not the real Demon Lord, he wondered what kind of expression they would have. But for Zhang Nu, the real satisfaction came from hiding himself behind the scenes.

Starting as the Abyssal Dragon

Starting as the Abyssal Dragon

Fantasy · DreamyFog

19 days ago
Replied to Dark_Lord_7465

Solidly better than Age of Mythology in terms of balance and number of civilizations and campaigns. The recent Age of Mythology Retold is great too, but still a bit glitchy and with notable bugs. I will say that Age of Empires 1 is directly inferior to Age of Mythology though, so do Age of Empires 2 or 3 if you want something similar in quality or superior to Age of Mythology.

He was the newbie helper for a reason, and Jake had never wielded weapons or studied much about them. His knowledge about them stemmed from history lessons, but most of it had been centered around the gun revolution anyway, so it wasn't much help.

Supreme Archer: Taking The Game's Weakest Class To The Top

Supreme Archer: Taking The Game's Weakest Class To The Top

Games · HomieLv1

  • Aster, the Living Solar System original

    Aster, the Living Solar System


    TLDR: *Based only loosely on the events of Dragon Ball and the other series that will be referenced *Each volume will only be 6-10 chapters *MC won't be a saiyan for Volume 2, but will regain their form in Volume 3 (Chapter 15-ish) Long version: This is a story about a saiyan child born two hundred years after the events of DBZ, at the beginning of the Dragon Ball Online story, said by Toriyama to be his "true" ending to Dragon Ball. This is my way of giving back to the late author, where I also add in several of my favorite characters from various anime and manga. That said, I am tweaking them to make their stories better fit the mechanics of Dragon Ball. Basic summary of plot: Shin is trying to honor the legacy of the late Goku and Vegeta, but he makes a mistake that ends with the main character finding themselves in the body of the fallen Prince Sadalla. Sadalla, who wants to be like his idols Goku and Vegeta, chooses to go on a journey to reach Super Saiyan.

    24 Chs 29 お気に入り