"I finally found you, Lori."
Urban · moonlightsonata
'Geez. It's lame to keep thinking about him. I should forget about him already.'
Urban · moonlightsonata
why would he need to know about anything you are doing?
What if he thought she decided to work in a bank because of her love for money?
Urban · moonlightsonata
If you feel the least bit sorry for divorcing me so suddenly, please stop harassing me with all these calls and messages.
Urban · moonlightsonata
"Celebration? What for?" Edric frowned.
Urban · moonlightsonata
"Celebration? What for?" Edric frowned.
Urban · moonlightsonata
Sera was not her childhood friend but her childhood bully.
Urban · moonlightsonata
Her* sorry y'all :)
Once He pulled away to look at him, Cami had a shy grin. But Dean had a tearful look.
Teen · Artist_Girl
I have a new account... I'm thinking about rewriting this. I deleted all the chapters since I couldn't delete the books, so I have literally no idea what I had been writing about, or what the names were, so this should be interesting to reinvent these characters. I think I can put a story together quite well now, my writing back then was terrible, absolutely terrifying 😭😂
*brief* oops lol
The salutation gave a breif speech. Dean was recognized in the academic achievement which he swore he could hear his mother screaming from across the field.
With the last breath I'll take
Teen · Artist_Girl