are you on Instagram author? ?
i love this ❤
"I hope it is soon enough." He grinned, his eyes twinkling with hope.
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
thank you so much
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
miss b are you on Instagram i couldn't find your account
author can you tell us the age of every one and their looks please it will help us imagine more easily 🐼
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
what did Bryan and matt fought about in chapter something 200+ did you say the reason in any chapter author
author can you show us pictures of characters like celebrity faces of characters i wanna know the hair color of harry is he blond? or Bryan? cuz he has blue eyes so
After Mia and Diana had spent most of the morning shopping, Diana suggested that they have lunch together before going home, and Mia reluctantly agreed, since she had been looking forward to eating the meal prepared by Jeff.
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
yes author its a really good story
This didn't make any sense! Why would a director like herself be fired because of a mere driver? Lucy asked herself in disbelief. She swallowed, and then nodded her head, "Okay sir."
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
who's Tyler isn't he Lucy's friend
Tom could tell she was trying to shift the conversations from herself to him, "Let's see. I have two younger siblings, a guy, and a girl. I have two really close friends, Jonas and Tyler. What else?"
Urban · Miss_Behaviour
I loved every bit of this novel author I love it so much it's staying in favourites forever🥰🥰🥰 harry jonas aarghhhhh 🤣in love with all the men in this novel
One Wild Night
Urban · Miss_Behaviour