The location the ball hits simply marks the destination for the teleportation, if you need to quickly escape an attack, snap your fingers in the direction of the ball to activate the teleportation, and you will be sent there instantly.]
Fantasy · EndKun
"Arise." said Axel softly.
Anime & Comics · TheSilverPrince
Anime & Comics · FleemusDesirus
please update
Anime & Comics · Azezzz
Good luck, mate !
Anime & Comics · xLucqs
Thank you for your work Update the new chapter please
Anime & Comics · Suci_Disastra
The location the ball hits simply marks the destination for the teleportation, if you need to quickly escape an attack, snap your fingers in the direction of the ball to activate the teleportation, and you will be sent there instantly.]
I Own EVERY Class in This World: Life Set to HELL Mode!
Fantasy · EndKun