your answer is in the next chapter apparently the system fixed the plot holes this idiot left
At this moment, Wang Yu recalled that in his previous life, when he was watching the movie version, the front of the Japanese version was slightly longer than the Chinese version. At this moment, Wang Yu remembered some details. The prerequisite of the island version seemed to have said that there was not one Mewtwo, but many. The one in front of him had never woken up and some of its memories had been erased. This Mewtwo was probably the strongest among the many Mewtwos.
Eastern · Cough Randomly
At this moment, Wang Yu recalled that in his previous life, when he was watching the movie version, the front of the Japanese version was slightly longer than the Chinese version. At this moment, Wang Yu remembered some details. The prerequisite of the island version seemed to have said that there was not one Mewtwo, but many. The one in front of him had never woken up and some of its memories had been erased. This Mewtwo was probably the strongest among the many Mewtwos.
Eastern · Cough Randomly
either there are many translation errors or this man high on something
I don't care if it's for copyright it has pokemon and the names of pokemon as well as ash, it can be copyrighted anyway why do this to team rocket
This is the best undead main character story I have ever read.The grammatical errors don't affect how good the plot is. The power and story progression is great. The system,classes,skills,magic,races,etc is amazing.
Remember being high is not the solution for being a bad writer.
Super Dungeon World
Eastern · Cough Randomly