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LV 14

I like to read fantasy and reincarnation novels without romance or harem

2021-05-15 入りました Global

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Replied to King_Gluttony

and I bet the basilisk is just a last line of defense too.

Harry imagined the castle's intricate network of pipes, wondering if Salazar Slytherin had been involved in designing the castle, purposely including this network for his "pet." And if, as Gryffindor's letter suggested, the snake was meant to protect the school, why the need for such an elaborate hidden system? These questions and more swirled in Harry's mind, and he was determined to uncover the answers this year.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz


that seems dumb kinda.....

For Nicks daedric body however he crafted a much different ability that was quite useful to him. {Faithful tithe} was the ability he created and the way it worked was that it allowed him to create a {believers mark} which was a small golden coin with an image of a hawk. The trick was that when the coin was held by someone who believed in him he gained a single counter. There was no limit to how many marks he could make either. Activating his ability allowed Nick to "spend" these counters in order to gain a one time "tithe" of mana which dissolved the marks.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


Nick better have Specialist Nen

Enhancement that focuses on empowering ones physical body and all the aspects involved in that. Transmutation that transforms ones energy to an element or property. Emission allows the user to detatch their aura from their bodies allowing for ranged energy attacks and abilities. Conjuration is all about creating objects out one ones aura. Manipulation is about controlling others and objects using ones aura. Finally is the rarest form of nen , specialization that has properties from all the others equally and can bypass their boundaries as a result. The way the type of nen is figured out for each person is through a method known as water divination.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


Nature God Hagrid?!

What was an unexpected addition to that list was Hagrid whose giant blood had made him grow in pure power after the ritual had finished and over this past two years had broken into tier four just based on his own knowledge and mastery of nature. Dumbledore had become tier five as well but that was honestly to be expected. The biggest improvement however was Celebrimbor who had endured Nicks tough teaching and made great strides over the last two years. He had grown to tier four but had fallen in love with the subtleties of magic and thus tended to obsess over the things he didn't know about it rather than work on advancing his power.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


great... now he'll always be hungry??

The second perk was that Nick could quite literally see the domains that made up the world as his mana senses had evolved after reaching tier seven. According to Hephaestus the gods who held the magic domain usually had something similar so it too was par for the course. The third perk however was an entirely unique thing for Nick as he had become a daedric prince , a weak one granted but one none the less. He was officially the daedric prince of creation , destruction and hunger. This wasn't mere titles however as they held real power and gave Nick access to those domains. In truth the first two were from all of his original domains fusing together upon reaching godhood and the last from his hollow part.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


😂🤣🤣 casually recycling your own body

Nick chuckled "Not at all , both this body and that one are truly mine and never belonged to anyone else. It's hard to explain but I can assure you that I am only one mind rather than a network of minds like you are worried about. Speaking of I really should take that so I can recycle it and put it back to use. This form isn't exactly inconspicuous as you can clearly tell." Nick said as he waved his hand sending his dead body into the realm to get recycled.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


well yeah, one crafting goddess and a soon to be crafting god....

This didn't mean that the person wasn't sent off to places that needed help with their food issues such as to Dumbledore and Flammel. It was rather funny how many people tried to poach the person from Nick while they were helping abroad but got harshly shot down with reality. The fact was that even getting a kings treatment was a fools bargain if it meant leaving Nicks territory. Even an idiot could see that the place wasn't just going to stagnate and let everywhere else catch up but was going to continue advancing further and further ahead of the rest.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


i wonder if he can supply hollow energy...

Clashing natures was no laughing matter as it meant they both felt violently aggressive towards the other for no other reason beyond merely existing. Hephaestus accepted that coexistence was possible but being friendly was off the table entirely. Nick himself had been cranking out a great deal of rings while he waited for his progress through tier five to tier six finish so he could stockpile points again. On average his rings netted him between a hundred and a thousand points each so he was making good progress as he had already stored up half a million points again despite him also hemorrhaging points in his constant purchasing of new knowledge from the system as well as refilling his stores of soul reaper energy.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


that's disgusting.....

The first was that the god had carved out a third of the planet for his own and had started forcing the people there to do his bidding. It was rough as quite a few were killed for defiance immediately as subservience was not a trait many modern people had. "The new Olympus empire" they called that area of the world now and it was avoided heavily. Zeus had also apparently tried making up for lost time and had taken several women , willing or not , as members of his harem and news of several of their pregnancies reached Nick and Hephaestus.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


I didn't like this paragraph, there was so many "however" used

The second change was that the body had a tail now that was a bit like a mix of a serpent and a bird as it was long and slender but had small feathers along it's whole length and a fan of large ones at the tip. The third change however was in the form of a white bonelike mask covering the mouth and jawline of the face with rows of sharp predatory teeth clear to see.(A/N: Think Harribel.) The final change was the one that interested Nick the most however as the body had glowing energy channels snaking across it's entire form that gave the whole thing a sinister vibe.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


ugh, great... now he hungers for souls. didn't need that part

The previously converted energy was rapidly changed again as the hollow energy spread and corrupted it. The more was converted the greater the pain Nick felt as his essence began to clash and shift within itself and shrink down. With this transformation came a violent and savage hunger that had Nick turn his attention to the souls in his realm that he was saving. Nick acted on instinct and began to consume the raw souls directly which eased the hunger he felt and let his mind return to clarity.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


would have been better if he took both hollow and soul reaper energy....

In this case an incorrect ratio of hollow and soul reaper energy with there being too much hollow energy. Nick explained this and the goddess didn't hesitate to dismantle the Asauchi to try again while Nick took a bit of the excess hollow energy for himself. The energy was surprisingly obedient when he took it into his essence. A day later Nick still hadn't noticed much of a change in himself and thought it was because he hadn't used enough energy. It was at that point however that his entire soul quivered in pain. Apparently the hollow energy was waiting in the part of his essence tied to his mana and that part had been hit with his domain transition at this moment.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

Replied to alphaprince0

yes! make him more!

It wasn't actually that bad since Nick could just make the points back in time but it didn't mean that getting set back to dead broke was a fun experience. Nick looked at the two jewels he bought and couldn't help but admit that they were quite beautiful. The one containing soul reaper type spiritual energy was a brilliant azure blue and swirled like moving clouds were contained within it. The hollow jewel however was a vibrant mix of red , green , yellow , purple and black that much like the other jewel swirled but this time chaotically. Oddly Nick felt almost drawn to the hollow energy as though it was a missing part of himself that he wasn't aware was missing.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


You go to a castle full of magic for school!! what's unexpected?!

"No way," breathed Elvinia, her usual composure slipping in the face of such unexpected magic.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz


Harry is dumb.... the secrecy is so people don't look into the Basilisk's eyes!!

Harry imagined the castle's intricate network of pipes, wondering if Salazar Slytherin had been involved in designing the castle, purposely including this network for his "pet." And if, as Gryffindor's letter suggested, the snake was meant to protect the school, why the need for such an elaborate hidden system? These questions and more swirled in Harry's mind, and he was determined to uncover the answers this year.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz


warn Lily!!!

Charles seemed to be hanging on every word, his initial discomfort giving way to rapt attention. Harry felt a chill run down his spine at the sight.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz


what does her being there have to do with Charlie missing the train?

There, seated among the other professors, was Lily Potter. She looked nervous, her green eyes - so like Harry's own - darting around the hall, clearly searching for her younger son. It was obvious she hadn't been informed about Charles's absence.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz


why does he care? Charles is an entitled brat that didn't even try to be nice to him.

"Are you sure, Neville?" he asked, trying to keep his voice calm. "Have you checked every compartment?"

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz


jinxed it

Only 10% remained, and Harry believed he could complete it within a year if he was lucky and didn't encounter any more bottlenecks. He could hardly wait to become a true Knight and experience the promised five-fold increase in strength and speed compared to an average human.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
