That molag pack gonna hit different
"Excellent" I grin "Now how about you tell me about that nearby temple to Molag Bal?"
Video Games · Rastislav
Next chapter bout to be delicious
"Suck me dry and clean me up, you little slut... Fuck my balls are so full... haven't cum in ages, and those whores outside keep up charging me for some good pussy..."
Fantasy · Ketsueki_Hasu
He’s a fool isn’t he?
"Gelert Grindelwald."
Book&Literature · Hooin_Kyoma
Yo, it’s that bat-rizz
"They… are just good friends…" Helena answers slowly. Even her cynic self is starting to think that maybe he really has some chick magnet superpower.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
The disrespect
Movies · Daddy
Damn, the sex after this is going to be hit and heavy.
My apologies my liege for I have given my stones to to The Error who rights the wrongs of his world. But do not fret, for I shall bestow upon you all three I can manage to aquire to you tomorrow. No matter if you post or not.
Clearly a shower and not a grower, the goblin growled at me and began to stalk around the perimeter of this little clearing, inadvertently letting me see even more of its penis that was disgustingly arousing...
Fantasy · Ketsueki_Hasu
"That's where you're going~! Have fun, Tuzi~! Bunnykin aren't rare, aren't that weak and definitely~ aren't hated anywhere, so you should be having a little~ fun over there~! Oh, and unlike your world there are no~ sexual diseases, so have all~ the sex you want~! Pregnancies are a bit more common though, so either wrap it up or push it out~!"
Fantasy · Ketsueki_Hasu
True, yet at the same time as I grow older hips and ass appeale to me more.
"Straight men with ages between 0 and Infinite always enjoy boobs…" He jokes, causing her to laugh, which makes her torso move and boobs shake on his face.
Potential Man (Megumi SI/JJK/WC Fic)
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer