Titus_Makasobe - Profile



LV 14
2021-04-22 入りました Global

バッジ 11

Moments 62


Hey Overlord_Bloodfall I have 2 ideas I want to share with you for possible future use so anyway for the first idea since Laharl has gain divinity over riches maybe a possible future dark divinity could be greed because there's bond to be worshipers and some daemons of Laharl that lust for wealth,power and any other worldly possessions even favor from Laharl himself that can be highly sought after. Now for my second idea since Laharl has taken scylla as a wife who can use water based magic and a magical singing voice I was thinking maybe you can make daemon daughters for her like Kiira anyway these new daemons I call them Warp sirens since you been using that reference for a beautiful singing voice twice why not make some sirens for the warp or make some actual sirens that follow scylla into daemons to use in the warp so now for they're bios:Warp sirens are female daemons with beauty rivaling that of succubi they live in both the rivers of ambrosia and out in the warp on small cluster islands waiting for void ships to pass by when in the the warp they have the ability to swim and travel in it like water and as there name suggests they have beautiful singing voices that are highly mesmerizing and dangerous for those off their guard they use this singing to cause ships traveling in the warp to crash and sink and to lure mesmerized mortals to eat they're souls like succubi their favorite type of souls to eat are human and eldar men because they are so susceptible to their mesmerizing voices just listening to them alone is enough to draw out their own souls to then only to have them ripped from you after the soul has reached a certain distance from the safety of the ships void shields.(that's all for now like always feel free to use them and change them if you want and as always have a good day or night.👍)

Replied to Overlord_Bloodfall

Bacchus is the god of both drink and vegetation so maybe Laharl can enslave him to make plants that can make ingredients for wine and other alcoholic beverages for his enjoyment plus Lilith and her legion can use the ingredients to improve the ambrosia also they can be incharge of keeping him enslaved while they're not out and about waring, gathering ingredients, and doing Laharl's will.

When the God of Wine, stood up and saw the pillar of crimson fire surging to the sky, he looked at his Wine Jug, and said out loud, "Did this wine, go bad?" while distracted he was smashed in the side of the head by one of the khornate created ork-daemon red-brass hammer, enraged that a lesser God interrupted their enjoyable battle, as they roared out, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODS!!!!" and swarm the God of Wine.

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Sci-fi · Overlord_Bloodfall

Replied to Frodo_Proudfeet

correction it's ambrosia.

When the God of Wine, stood up and saw the pillar of crimson fire surging to the sky, he looked at his Wine Jug, and said out loud, "Did this wine, go bad?" while distracted he was smashed in the side of the head by one of the khornate created ork-daemon red-brass hammer, enraged that a lesser God interrupted their enjoyable battle, as they roared out, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODS!!!!" and swarm the God of Wine.

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Sci-fi · Overlord_Bloodfall


hey Overlord_Bloodfall It's been a while and this might be a little late to share with you but I had an idea I been saving for a while for a potential elder daemon,daemon queen or a new daemon servant which ever you want so since it's february and valentines has already happened I thought about how Laharl also being the god of love I was thinking he could create own messed up daemon version of cupid and maybe make it a women or whatever you like if you choose to use this idea anyway this Laharl version of cupid is the manifestation of what happens when love is taken too far and becomes obsession and delusion for those you love and in turn back it's also a sniper or a archer version of one that has bow and arrows and crossbows when shot and hits causes mortals(humans and other species that are capable of feeling love.)to fall madly in love to the point of obsession with thoses they have on their mind or first see this effect can range from simply being so obsessed with one another and never wanting to be apart ever to becoming aggressive,hostile or suicidal but usually only when someone or something gets in the way of that love and Laharl will feed off the carnage that comes from that type of love as well with love to that the daemon will spread.(that's all feel free to use it and change it if you want anyway have a good day or night and happy late valentines 💝. )(p.s a last minute idea make a valentines chapter with Laharl and his wives.)

ch 247 Frozen Wastes of Norsca Part 1: Upcoming Challengers

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Sci-fi · Overlord_Bloodfall


does that mean they also have the cannibalistic hunger for flesh especially from humans.

The Snow or Shadow Hunters as they now call themselves, could challenge the Space Wolves in pure combat and ferocity wielding dark-touched ice axes along with claws and fangs to tear apart their prey, amongst these former shi'lanorai hunters and trackers now turned into xeno-lycans with their strongest also referred to as "Pack Leader" were the ones that have become antler horned, large werewolves basically retaining little sanity, to command and be able think during hunts or battles, they abandoned their former weapons and light armor for pure brutality and savagery, using strength, fangs, Claw, and ice sorcery against their victims because of this they are known now as Dark Wendigos.

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Sci-fi · Overlord_Bloodfall


If khorne ever decides to make his own version of the ambrosia maybe he could call it blood wine or red rum.

Laharl only shuke his head as he saw his two brothers drink away the ambrossia like no tomorrow, as he created it using the raw energies of the Warp made into a sweet nectar like drink fit for Gods regardless of their pantheon.

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Sci-fi · Overlord_Bloodfall


For a future idea you should have jades followers create their own carnage version of the doof wagon from mad max that inspires and empowers ally but hurts enemies with its carnage warp-powered infused sonic waves like a noise marine and maybe you could call the one playing the guitar the carnage screamer/war cryer or something along those lines.

Just when she was a simple mortal gobo, she was sitting on her metal and bone made throne on top of her favorite massive death-vehicle with her gals ridding the behemoth of a "car" to the gathering place, all the while she alongside all her gobo boys and gals were roaring, cheering, shooting at the air and praising the awaited return of Adrak'Maal/Laharl.

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Sci-fi · Overlord_Bloodfall
