Umm where’s Susan bone’s? I mean isn’t Amelia still Susan’s guardian, cause it hasn’t been stated otherwise
"Thanks, Aunt Amy."
Book&Literature · Midnight_Wonder
Wasnt the kids name Ethan in previous chapter?
Ryan, smiling back, replied, "Good morning, boss. But your store opens a bit late."
Anime & Comics · Colalnx
Not to nitpick but isn’t steenee only the second evolution of bounsweet?
With Exeggutor's evolution, all three had now completed their evolutions. With proper training, their strength would soon improve rapidly, moving them out of the weakling category.
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
Enough said
'Maybe I should make weapons from ratchet and clank too.' Remembering my favorite game makes me excited to create them.
Anime & Comics · Try_hard
Also can you guess who the Queen Chikipi is going to be? Because she is based upon another certain bitchy bird character from another series, has the same looks and everything but will be Beeg compared to her orginal version, and I got plenty of pics of her from that app already to go for you guys to see.
Video Games · OneMoreScore
I thought shields daughter on I Island was Hephaestus’s chosen?
"You're the perfect person to make babies with, so I don't care what I need to do, I will be with you, even if you want me to kill someone to earn your love!" Well fuck, Hephaestus, your descendant is a damn good yandere, though I guess it makes sense since she's related to the guy who was terrified of his love being unfaithful.
Anime & Comics · The_Fae_Child
What about the vampires
Harry, curious and hopeful, was quick to accept. "Let's give it a go," he said eagerly.
Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
Ahhhhh noooo worse then cliffhanger, the story continues but all I wanna know is what wand he matches with
Shouldn’t Tonk’s children have black as there last name?
Though life wasn't bad for everyone, Sirius had gotten married to Amelia Bones and when he wasn't spending time working at the ministry or with Amelia then he would be Harry's proxy at the Wizengamot. Fleur on the other hand had a very successful career as a curse breaker, she would eventually become Lady Potter and would give birth to two kids, one boy called James Potter and a girl called Victoire Potter. Tonk's became Lady Black and continued to have a good career in the auror department, and would give birth to a few children of her own. One would be a boy called Teddy Potter, a girl called Lily Potter and a third girl that was named Astoria Potter.
The Real Harry Potter
Book&Literature · Infinity_Weaver