"Fufufu, Welcome home Shoto and Kaga-chan~", his mother who was actually just on an opposite couch said, surprising Shoto but Kaga already smelled the moment she stepped out of the car.
Anime & Comics · ForgeCoffee
Caera is best girl. Is she the love interest
I finished this Arc, way before I anticipated. Well, I plan to do more in Alacryan in the future. (Caera fans please wait.)
Anime & Comics · UselessAcc
All his students and Midnight were hanging up in the air by which looks to be rope, next to each other, and they looked like dead birds.
Anime & Comics · ShiNova
Will mai get powers and stuff too or is she basically unimportant later on in the story
"Sebas! Mind taking pictures of me and Kaga, will you?", Ayane called and almost instantly an elderly but masculine man came holding a camera and bowed in one perfect motion.
Anime & Comics · ForgeCoffee
Didn’t shoto’s mom give him the burn?
As he said that he looked at Shoto and was immediately angered...with Alexander's eyes he can see the hidden bruises under Shoto's clothes, 'Tch, should've disfigured the flaming fu-ck', he thought.
Anime & Comics · ForgeCoffee
Beru is best girl. (Btw does this Beru still look like this)
"My liege, I can't stop but be amazed at your greatness." Beru's eyes shone with stars inside them.
Anime & Comics · UselessAcc
It was pretty good. I don’t remember why I dropped it. I’ll probably pic it up again
Anime & Comics · ShiNova
(AN: 1-99, oky choose ur number cos I'm gonna start doing roll calls starting next chapter 📝)
Madara Uchiha in TBATE
Anime & Comics · A_Sinner