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2021-03-17 入りました Global

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Moments 31



So the two of us hug it out and I realize what a truly loving hug feels like because the rush of emotion in my heart is infinitely stronger than the one I had with my father. In the hug with Emperor Helio, I felt the emotions of what could've been. In my hug with Emma however, I feel the real love and friendship that we truly have.

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook


I remembered how horrifying this was

It's not that I didn't expect the empress to get physical with me, I just uncreatively assumed I would get spanked or something. I had thought that my newly discovered royal identity would serve as a shield and save me from most forms of physical harm.

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook



Katya actually did not know much about Lord Bromley. By the time she had come into the picture, the man had retired for a few years. However, even in her youth, she had heard whispers of the genius who was behind the major conquest of Belhelm by the late emperor. All the empress knew for certain was that once Lord Bromley became the personal tutor of Emperor Helio, he had risen from one of the forgotten bastards of the licentious emperor to the ruler of the Erudian Empire within a few years. And that alone, coupled with the fact her father spoke of him with a dark expression, put him on her watch list.

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook


Would like to see her again…

"In this life, I have never been blessed with many children. I have only had one son, Gregory, who I love very much. I always wanted a daughter, but..." the duchess lets out a long sigh, "such a blessing will not become my fortune in this life. I can't help but see you as my own."

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook


What happened to this dude?

"Visitors! It is not often I encounter visitors. So often they just run away when they see me. Run, run, like a colt that just found its legs," someone says cheerfully from an unknown location. The voice is reedy from old age but carries the same sprightly energy as that of a young child.

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook


This is a 5 year old lol what are these ladies thinking?

"Yes, mother," I say obediently with a little curtsey. I gulp nervously and grab the cup, nearly letting go at the scalding heat on my fingertips. Tears prickle my eyes as I firmly pick up the cup from the tray, the icy white-hot pain nearly driving me mad. My hands shake and tremble and Katya beams at me with her saintly smile.

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook


Julia or Janice?

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook


What happened to these?

"Well when we found her in the slums, we found some poorly hidden papers with scribbles all over them. They use letters found in our alphabet but they are rearranged in an order I've never seen, almost like another language. I don't know about you, but that's pretty impressive for a child who has never been educated." Wolfgang explained.

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook


Emma 👍

I turn around to a blessed sight. The young maid who had tried to help drag me out earlier has crawled underneath into the hornet's nest with me and is now standing valiantly before Sir Berrick. He lets go of my ankle and I crab walk back while the maid stares fiercely into the eyes of the beast. The sight is almost biblical, like David versus Goliath. Except that the saint of a maid who came to defend me would not end up as lucky against Goliath as David did.

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook


forgot about this spear tho 🧐

To show his godly lineage, he adopted the gold eyes of Helio, forever to be passed on down his line. The spear was said to be lost shortly after the birth of his heir, the legendary King Bramas, who transformed the newly founded Erudian Kingdom into an Empire. I don't know how much fact to place in this when I relate this myth to several similar ones of Norse and Indian mythology from my world. To think that my many times great grandfather is descended from a god, it's too crazy to believe. But then again, I also somehow got reincarnated into a world I read about on my phone. Those gold eyes of Helio wink at me now from a flicker of dim sunlight that shines on the alcove.

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook


Continuity error? She died during a fire?

The Rose Palace is infested with her people. Even in my single week of living as a royal, I can deduce this much. Empress Katya is like a weed that has sunk its roots deep into the core power structure of the Empire. She usurped the title of Empress after the previous one died during childbirth from unseen complications, she has a son close in age with the crown prince, and her noble family has bought off half the Church.

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook


Always wondered why they didn’t have the kids do this instead of bringing in a mage. The obvious answer is that non-Royal kids would die, but here they’re calling for capital punishment already? Lol

In short, being too close to the emperor could actually kill you if he didn't dim the energy around him while you were there. Your heart would fill with blood and you would die a painful end choking on your own blood and bile. It made my father deadly on the battlefield during his conquests as he could carve a killing path through the opposing army without so much as raising a finger. Only the strongest of warriors, those who could wield spiritual power, and of course, his children could withstand it.

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook



"No! Y-You can't take her. Her eyes are that color because of a childhood illness, not the royal lineage." Bianca argued, coughs interrupting her words. She almost sounded like she truly cared about me, but as I recall in the webnovel, she was only fighting because she had promised my mother that she would keep me away from the imperial family.

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Rise of the Unfavored Princess

Fantasy · bunnyreadsabook
