Ikstrordinari - Profile



LV 13

Reader, Writer, Army💜, Foodie

2021-03-10 入りました Nigeria

バッジ 5

Moments 303


No. You just assumed he is human and he just never corrected you🤷‍♀️

“I will not calm down!” Young Zedekiel yelled. “Human or witch, you are the worst kind of creature there is. You lied to me from the very beginning. You lied! Our relationship started with a lie!”

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu



“There are evil Elves too!” Ron protested. “It doesn’t matter what creature they are. Vampires, Werewolves, Mermaids, there’s evil in every race. It’s not just humans and witches!”

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu


Oh God


To say Young Zedekiel was shocked was an understatement. He was completely flabbergasted. He never expected Ron to be a witch. But then, he quickly scowled. “This changes nothing! In fact, it makes things even worse! You witches were the ones who helped the humans learn sorcery! You taught them spells and gave them the means to hunt us down and kill us! You taught them how to use our weaknesses against us! Because of you, my kind has suffered for centuries!”

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu


Don't hurt him😭

In a flash of movement, Young Zedekiel surged towards Ron, seizing him by the neck and effortlessly hoisting his slender frame from the ground. "Repeat those words if you dare!" he snarled, his eyes flashing a vibrant hue of deep purple.

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu


Wth, Zedekiel was so harsh in the past🥹🥹

“Yes, I did.” Young Zedekiel answered, his eyes cold. “It was my way of breaking up with you.”

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu



Young Zedekiel scoffed. “Is your brain so dense that you cannot even get a simple message? I told you to wait but I never showed up. What do you think that means?”

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu



"Listen to me well, for I'm only going to say this once," Zedekiel's voice was low, but each word carried a weight that seemed to hang in the air. "We are over. I don't want to have anything to do with you or any other human ever again, so leave this place and never come back."

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu


Not ready for this


Zedekiel, who was watching, closed his eyes and sighed for he knew what came next and he wished he had listened to his Mother. His stubbornness and impatience had cost them the lives of more Elves and had nearly cost that of his Mother and siblings as well.

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu


You should have just let him die there

“No buts!” she snapped. “I will not allow you to go there and die. Think about all the Elves that sacrificed their lives for you. Do you want their sacrifices to be wasted?”

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu

Replied to Dazzling_light

Ikr😭😭 I kinda feel bad for him

Every single one of Ron’s words broke Fredricks’s heart. He didn’t know why his life was like this. First, his father brought him into the world then abandoned him. He was insulted and ridiculed all his life. Everyone called him a royal bastard. His cousins treated him like trash. The Zedekiel that Ron loved had never even acknowledged him before. Just when he got tired of living and decided to drown himself to death, Ron found him and saved his life. He nursed him back to health and gave him a reason to live. In the process, he fell in love with Ron and considered Ron his and his alone.

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu

Replied to Star_sleeperOvO

So Ron could be half witch, half human?🤔

"What do you even know of love?" Alaric asked. "You're still so young. You shouldn't even be thinking about these things. You should be making friends and studying for the Witch Academy."

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu

Replied to Star_sleeperOvO

I know right. Ahhh so many twists and turns


"Is that any way to speak to your older brother?" Alaric grumbled, glaring at Ron.

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu


this boy


Ron nodded proudly. “But not just any tall, fair and muscular man. He has to have long silver hair and beautiful purple eyes. He has to wear black robes and be a certain height with enough strength to pin me against a tree, kiss me, and declare me his wife!”

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu


Don't think like this😭

“Shut up!” Ron snapped. “Shut up shut up shut up!” He sniffled and bit his lower lip to stop himself from crying but it was futile. His heart hurt. Fredrick’s words were like sharp razors, making deep slashes in his heart. He didn’t want to listen to Fredrick. He didn’t want to believe him but Zedekiel had truly not come to see him in days. Had he forgotten about him?

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu


I'm confused. King Kayziel didn't die along with the King and brother? Does this mean what he showed Ron is a lie?


“Your Highness! Your Highness!” one of the guard shouted as they hurried in. “We’ve found Prince Kayziel!”

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu


I meant Zedekiel😅

In that moment, Zedekiel realised just how devoted to him Ron was and it hurt to think that he had failed Ron by letting Fredrick take him away. He just hoped that Ron was okay and Fredrick hadn’t done anything to him. For Fredrick’s sake as well as his own sanity for he didn’t even know how badly he’d react if Ron was harmed in any way.

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu


For some reason, I want to see Ron go beserk

In that moment, Zedekiel realised just how devoted to him Ron was and it hurt to think that he had failed Ron by letting Fredrick take him away. He just hoped that Ron was okay and Fredrick hadn’t done anything to him. For Fredrick’s sake as well as his own sanity for he didn’t even know how badly he’d react if Ron was harmed in any way.

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu


Exactly! Love is love!

"So?" Ron said. "Age is just a number. Mother said I can love whoever I want to love. Age, gender, race, height, none of them matter. Love is love and I love him. I will wait for him no matter how long it takes so go home. You don't need to worry about me."

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu


Yeah Ron is better😂

Zedekiel watched the entire exchange, amused. So Ron's name in the past was Ral? He thought about it and decided that he preferred Ron. Maybe it was because he was already used to the name. He shrugged and continued to watch the brothers.

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu
