
male LV 3

fighting through life is hard but worth it.

2021-03-07 入りました Global
バッジ 4

Moments 580
1 years ago


When the leader of the Envys' group was in the middle of another mockery, Zombie stood up from his seat without a single groan, walked over to the man, and crushed his groins with a single well-aimed kick.

The Villainess and I, her Zombie

The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Games · Sound_Hammer

1 years ago


Somehow, now that his internal energy was flowing through the bow, it was easier to hold it up compared to before. And even pulling the bowstring back was easier, as though the bow became more flexible for him. It might also just have been his imagination playing with him. Either way, the moment he released the arrow, he could feel quaking through his whole body. The bow's limbs snapped back into their normal position and the string straightened out.

Starlight Necromancer

Starlight Necromancer

Fantasy · DiceVR

1 years ago


"Eh, we'll see," he replied, looking around at the bows. There weren't that many of them; most larger species relied on melee combat, so archers at that size were pretty rare. He grabbed one of them, and could immediately feel the weight dragging his arm down. Foster held the bow forward. It was certainly tough to hold it up, but he would manage. Especially considering that he wouldn't have to move around, it should be fine. The bow he was holding reached from his ankles to quite far above his head, it was really ridiculously large. 

Starlight Necromancer

Starlight Necromancer

Fantasy · DiceVR

1 years ago


"Those were the last ones, finally..." with a loud, exhausted sigh, Foster patted his body down. The dust from the monsters he killed was practically clinging to his body, "This shit is like glitter..." he let out disappointedly, soon turning around toward Skari, "You alright? I think I was a little rough there just now."

Starlight Necromancer

Starlight Necromancer

Fantasy · DiceVR

1 years ago


"Good. Then I guess we can head inside now," he pointed out, turning to look at the large tower standing in front of him and the rest of the party. And as they started walking, Foster walked up to the newest member of the group, who is accompanying them for the first time today. For the past few times that the party dove into the dungeon, they had taken along different porters, but none of them ended up sticking around. Sometimes because the party didn't get along with them, and sometimes because the porter didn't like the party and how they did things. And today, it was this girl's turn. She was one of Rachel's personal close acquaintances, and while she didn't seem excited about having her friend join the party as a porter, the girl seemed to insist on diving into the dungeon, making Rachel give in and recommend her to the group. Of course, Rachel's reason for not wanting her to join the group wasn't because of the group, she simply wanted her friend to stay safe.

Starlight Necromancer

Starlight Necromancer

Fantasy · DiceVR

1 years ago


But soon enough, it was time for Mike to continue working. He grabbed the coins out of the pouch and started to sort them into his safebox. Soon enough, once he was nearly done, the shop's door opened again, and someone else stepped inside. Once again, it was a familiar face. Or well, familiar helmet. The man's whole body was covered in a dark full-plate armor, modified with a few different extra items practically fused into the metal. This man, instead of just since a few weeks ago like Foster, had been coming here for years to get his rations. Even though that was the case, Mike didn't even know his name, let alone anything else about him.

Starlight Necromancer

Starlight Necromancer

Fantasy · DiceVR

1 years ago


"...Be careful down there, alright?" the man warned with a concerned expression, but Foster just smirked and winked at him, "Don't worry, Mike, we're always careful."

Starlight Necromancer

Starlight Necromancer

Fantasy · DiceVR

1 years ago

that's a great way to introduce a character.

"...Be careful down there, alright?" the man warned with a concerned expression, but Foster just smirked and winked at him, "Don't worry, Mike, we're always careful."

Starlight Necromancer

Starlight Necromancer

Fantasy · DiceVR

1 years ago


The old man continued on, rambling in excitement, "Is this really a rank-2 slime? I have become very passionate about my research ever since the Ryder family restricted it! This old geezer's name is Clarus, please enlighten me!"

The Slime Sovereign

The Slime Sovereign

Fantasy · Reawakening

1 years ago


Gunnar then slammed the top of his body into the ground in front of him, using the momentum to fling the back of his body forward as well, the first beautiful arc of slime had been created. The rough ride had just begun, but Alaric already felt a bit nauseous.

The Slime Sovereign

The Slime Sovereign

Fantasy · Reawakening