Thank you so much! Your comments mean a lot to me, I usually don't get a lot of them lol but it's honestly really nice to get any amount of feedback, even just minor things like spelling mistakes are super helpful
Fantasy · Lithkren
i wish i had the money to comission some art lol
Fantasy · Lithkren
Aisha prefers cuddling face-to-face :3
Aisha laid her head on Miiha's shoulder, wrapping her arms around her chest. Miiha's face turned bright red. Even though this was the second time they had shared a bed, Aisha's complete lack of regard for… personal space still left her flustered. She shivered as Aisha pressed her nose into her neck.
Fantasy · Lithkren
Aisha is about 4'9 at that point in the story.
oop! just a typo, thanks for pointing it out!
Fantasy · Lithkren
thanks for continuing to read!
See chapter 90 - thank you for the comment!
Ah, reading back, I realize that you're right - it was my intention to convey that Aisha was losing the fight, (rather badly) but I realize now that I rushed through the scene far too quickly, and have given the impression that Aisha was on top the entire time. I will definitely add and change a few scenes to try to fix this. Thank you for the comment, this was super helpful!
Oh, these are supposed to be the entries that Aisha have read. I'll try to make that clearer!
the period is just a way for me to organize my thoughts. my eyesight isnt very good so i put the periods there to help me tell where the breaks are and how many. generally the amount of breaks is how long the "pause" is between story beats or ideas, or at least thats how i try to organize them in my head
Vanishing Embers
Fantasy · Lithkren