LV 14

It is not a sin for people to have selfish desires... It is incompetence that is the original sin

2021-02-21 入りました Global
バッジ 9

Moments 2087
2 hours ago
Replied to One2Turtle


Inside the sedan, Princess Ling Er sat fidgeting, her silk robes rustling with impatience. She was a picture of beauty, but right now, her bored expression and delicate sighs painted her as a caged bird longing for some excitement.

The Way of Evil Dao!

The Way of Evil Dao!

Eastern · SKuLL

1 days ago
Replied to Cursed_Primo

Thank you!

1 days ago
Replied to Cursed_Primo


"Maybe you like this," Wang Xiao whispered against her ear, his voice low and dark, "being taken, being controlled. I can feel how your body reacts, no matter how much you hate me. It's exciting, isn't it? To lose control…"

Deviant: No Longer Human

Deviant: No Longer Human

Urban · SKuLL

1 days ago
Replied to Cursed_Primo

You caught up to the latest chapter, huh...Got any feedback to say?

"Maybe you like this," Wang Xiao whispered against her ear, his voice low and dark, "being taken, being controlled. I can feel how your body reacts, no matter how much you hate me. It's exciting, isn't it? To lose control…"

Deviant: No Longer Human

Deviant: No Longer Human

Urban · SKuLL

1 days ago
Replied to Cursed_Primo

Not really, his body is just too weak to hold that all power together, he would need to forge one which can handle it all.

It was as if living a normal life was keeping the dangerous condition in check.

Deviant: No Longer Human

Deviant: No Longer Human

Urban · SKuLL

1 days ago
Replied to Cursed_Primo

He was praising himself, Lol.

'Whoever marries her will be lucky,' he thought.

Deviant: No Longer Human

Deviant: No Longer Human

Urban · SKuLL

1 days ago
Replied to Cursed_Primo

It's a way of deterrent, I mentioned it later, Wang Xiao would ensure he always goes over the top with his actions, to ensure he sends a message, that a drop of blood would be repaid by the whole ocean. He wants people to be scared of him.

"Mary, go and uproot all nine generations of her lineage. Without the sky, there's no need for stars to shine," Wang Xiao commanded, his voice calm and matter-of-fact, as if ordering a mundane task rather than the eradication of an entire family line.

Deviant: No Longer Human

Deviant: No Longer Human

Urban · SKuLL

1 days ago
Replied to Cursed_Primo

Not possible, until you give them the same environment as him, which they definitely won't get. Some wouldn't ever ever feel the need for strength, because of his 'Presence.' Like the children of rich people, who don't understand the value of money.

He had anticipated a day of playing 'horse—riding' between the two royal women but had not foreseen his own daughters rising in protest against him.

Deviant: No Longer Human

Deviant: No Longer Human

Urban · SKuLL

1 days ago
Replied to Cursed_Primo

Initially I wanted Wang Xiao to travel to another universe, but then there were too many characters left to wrap up here, so I decided another universe would clash with this universe to merge and some shit would happen.

While initially eye-catching, their interest quickly waned—after all, in a world where strange creatures had become the norm, two dragon cubs resembling fancy lizards barely registered a second glance.

Deviant: No Longer Human

Deviant: No Longer Human

Urban · SKuLL

1 days ago
Replied to House

Here I was talking about Su Xiaobai's father, 'Late' S-Rank.

Previously, he had doubted that Sun Liang would dare to execute him, given that he was, after all, the son of a late S-ranked guardian.

The Way of Evil Dao!

The Way of Evil Dao!

Eastern · SKuLL

  • The Way of Evil Dao! original

    The Way of Evil Dao!



    "Take the heaven as one's wife, and the earth as one's concubine. Take the mundane life as one's cauldron, the grand road of the Yin and Yang, Dual Cultivation. Lock the yin of death from the heaven, suppress the yang of fate, seize the lust of the sky, give birth to the evil dao... Bind the stars as witnesses, and the moon as the judge, walk the shadowed path of the forgotten, where the rivers of innocence drain into the sea of corruption... Cultivate the forbidden arts, where the whispers of the damned guide one’s hand, and the tears of the gods become the elixir of immortality... Wed the heavens with blades of sorrow, take the earth with chains of blood. In the cauldron of mortal woes, stir the dark essence of Yin, birthing the sinister path of Yang... From the desires of the skies, grasp the forbidden lust, in the twilight’s shadow, where even gods distrust, The Evil Dao births, from the ashes of the just." ______ Discord: **Cover Page is not owned by Author**

    99 Chs 267 お気に入り

  • Deviant: No Longer Human original

    Deviant: No Longer Human


    4.89 最新リリース

    "Deviant No Longer Human" It's funny, isn't it? Nobody asks to be born... None of us choose the life we are forced to live....And yet, we are bound to it, trapped in a world where strength defines everything. People worship when you are strong. They loathe when you are weak. They worship the god. They fear the devil. But why? Was it righteousness that gave the god victory over the devil, or was it simply strength? Why must we fear one and worship the other? Is the god so righteous? Is the devil so weak? Would Wang Xiao still have everything if he were weak? Would they still worship him? Would those women have submitted so easily? No. It's always the strength. Power rules all. A man can own kingdoms, riches, even love—but lose his strength, and the world turns on him. His woman, the one who once looked at him with admiration, will crush him underfoot if she finds him unworthy. His own children, born of his blood, will stare at him with contempt, their eyes filled with disappointment. What is love if not submission to power? What is loyalty but the price of dominance? Wang Xiao has learned this bitter truth. The sacrifices he made, the pain he endured, meant nothing. Without strength, he was nothing. But no longer... He has seen the lie, the illusion of it all... And now, the ancient myths rise once more, the gods claw their way from forgotten graves, and Wang Xiao, mistaken for the 8th Prince, feared by gods and mortals alike, finds himself at the center of it all. Seven goddesses, each more beautiful, more dangerous than the last, now circle him, bound by fate. Their charm is powerful, their desires even more so. The guardian of the Atlantic tears apart nations to possess him. The Desert Princess offers her entire empire as a gift, yearning for his love... Even an ancient being, her power stripped away, bends her knee in submission, once feared, now powerless before him. But would they have bowed if he were weak? Would they have loved him, served him, feared him? No. It's always the strength. "He 'who' covers the sky with his hand," they whisper. "The gods who once played with universes like orbs... he'll make them swallow their own spit in fear." Wang Xiao's gaze hardens as he stares at his reflection. The weak are forgotten... Strength is all that matters. "The world doesn't care for the weak," Wang Xiao whispers to his reflection. "Your woman will turn her back, people will spit on your name... They'll forget you ever existed... everything you did for them would be insignificant and forgetten...Strength is all that truly matters." And so, Wang Xiao will take what's his. The gods, playing with the universe like toys, will fall. The devils, pulling at the strings of fate, will lose their grip. He will strip them of their power, their kingdoms, their very souls, if that's what it takes. He isn't their pawn. Not anymore. Would they have bowed if he were weak? Would they have given themselves so easily? Would they have even cared? No. It's always the strength. Wang Xiao is no longer the man he once was. No longer human. No longer weak. He is the deviant. And the world will soon know what that truly means. --------------- #NoYuri #NoNTR #Threesome #Harem #Strong to Stronger #Elf #Gore #Evil MC #Conquor #Action #Adventure #Imperial Harem #Revenge #Daughters #Fellatio #Supernatural #Urbanfantasy #Superpowers #Cultivation #Goddess #First-time Intercourse #Villain ---------------- Warning: The Novel is based upon a fictional Earth, and any resemblance is mere coincidence! Discord: **Cover Page is not owned by Author**

    564 Chs 6.3k お気に入り

  • Manipulative Harem God original

    Manipulative Harem God


    4.84 最新リリース

    #Harem #R18 #Action #Dark #Comedy #Cultivation #Threesome #Polygamy #Elf #Superhumans #Modernfantasy #Urban #Mystery #Overpowered MC #Evil MC #Conqueor . . . "You all go to work, I would help you take care of your wife in the home," — Zhang Wei. ______ Zhang Wei, the self-proclaimed community service guru, takes it upon himself to rescue damsels in distress when their husbands mysteriously vanish. With the touch of his magic hands, he transforms lonely homes into cozy love nests. He even manages to charm the widows' daughters into believing he's a park-wandering superhero, all while his endlessly patient wife applauds his "heroic" efforts. .................................. First official 'proper' novel, improves every next chapter! Commit reading 300 chapters to see magic of Brother Zhang! #NoYuri #NoNTR .................. Disclaimer: Cover page is not mine Discord: Warning: This work is completely fiction, and does not promote any kind of violence against any living being. The Villain is meant to be hated!

    543 Chs 13.3k お気に入り

  • The Psychopath's Harem original

    The Psychopath's Harem



    I shouldn't ask, but — What happens when a manipulative, narcissistic, half-psychopathic bastard with a broken god complex, who is a 12 years old incel, writes a novel? Congratulations, you have found the answer: "The Psychopath's Harem"! _________ Synopsis: Son of Destiny, this was the term used for the heaven blessed child who brings order and balance to the world. But what will happen if a psychopath is chosen as the destined son of fate? Will the he save the world or the world collapse with him? Wait there! It isn't a story of son of destiny ascending to the peak of immortality. The peak had been achieved and surpassed... It is not a story from weak to strong... Xia Tian does not stand at peak of mountain like other immortals, rather gaze from the sky like a God. A True God. Every Immortal wants to fly and soar to the sky and reach Godhood... But what after it? End of story? That is a new beginning and not the end... The story doesn't end after becoming a God rather starts... Join the journey, where Xia Tian toys with son of destinies and tramples above the arrogant female leads... He neither spares the Destiny nor his daughters, all are same in his eyes. . . . Every 50 Golden Ticket = One Bonus Chapter! Gifts: Dragon - One Bonus Chapter Magic Castle - Two Bonus Chapter Spacecraft - Three Bonus Chapter Golden Gachapon - Not Expecting to recieve this, so haven't decided. [The Bonus chapters would be released within one week upon receipt of gift, with the donator name written at the top of the chapter.] . . . Warning: This work is purely fiction, and it does not promote any kind of violence against any living being. Please read with caution. . . . Discord: Disclaimer: Cover page is not mine.

    281 Chs 10.8k お気に入り

  • Resurgence - A New Beginning original

    Resurgence - A New Beginning


    The original Author of Fourth Prince Debachuary was not updating the Novel from multiple days, so I just decided to make a Fanfic out or that was what I initially planned. The Story is initially just a copy but gradually It will change (After 15-20 Chapters). The Characters and World is Inspired from Many Novel: - Fourth Prince Debauchery by Aidka. - The Devil does not Need to be Defeated by Ruqing Rusu - Womanizing Mage - Grandeur Fantasia by Verglas - Heavenly Star by Mars Gravity - Infinite Apostle and it's 12 star maidens. - Shoujo Grand Summoning by Ruqing Rusu About the Story: Are you bored of seeing MC getting underestimated everywhere? are you bored of that weak to stronger trope? are you bored of seeing 2D female leads? If yes, than this novel is exactly for you! People looking for Justice hero stories stay away! MC in this story will not even protect a child till he gets some benefit out of it. He is whimsical, can even protect villain if he deem so. This Novel will completely follow a different route than others, The Main character will be overpowered and will not hide his power at all. He will view the people around him growing up and developing, he will act like more of a mentor. It is going to focus more on character development. Each character will be fleshed out properly and have it's own story, you will see them go through a lot, develop and till the end they will have completely changed. The MC will develop throughout the story as well but that will not be the main focus. The novel is going to Focus more on life of other characters and how their decisions are gonna change them. The Female characters are not just going to fall in love with him blindly after spending a night. They will have their own selfish motive of being with MC. This Novel is going to be a Very long one, as every character will be given proper screen time, each and every Female Lead will have at least 50 chapters. This is mainly to tackle the issue of most novels having Rushed Ending. The side characters also aren't going to get ignored, they will have their short arcs as well. Hope you Enjoy It! ....... Thumbnail not owned by me. Found on google. ....... Note:- R-18 Scenes are not original and copied. [ With Adjustments to suit the scene]. First 50 chapters are only for plot building, introducing world and many characters. Read till there before forming an opinion.

    69 Chs 369 お気に入り