He hissed as the back of his hand burned and the ritual circle lit up. He really hoped he hadn't called up something dangerous. Killing his attacker while also calling up Kerberos or something equally powerful to eat him would be even more humiliating. A pillar of light erupted into the air and he stumbled backwards, raising one hand to cover his eyes until the darkness faded. The figured that stepped out of the light was remarkably humanoid, all things considered, though their armor did have something of a demonic look to it. Harsh angles and sharp points gave the armor an ominous look and red highlights completed the ensemble. Large horns jutted from the sides of their helmet and a large… skirt? (perhaps they were a female demon) surrounded their hips. "I ask of you," the figure said, their voice slightly distorted by their heavy helmet. "Are you my master?"
Anime & Comics · Leekz01
"Haha. You've got me all wrong! I've decided I'm not interested in women anymore. I like men now."
Fantasy · The_Thunder_Lord
"Think of it like a brat kid sibling." Nicholas just shrugged.
Anime & Comics · Bleap
where is this from?
"Think of it like a brat kid sibling." Nicholas just shrugged.
Anime & Comics · Bleap
No that's a different one
Lancer was originally a mortal that reached the extremes of the spear. Using her techniques as well as her unique weapon, she killed kings, gods and demons indiscriminately, obtaining their knowledge and becoming Queen of the Land of Shadows.
Anime & Comics · MrMoist
She isn't eight at all. She says she's 16/17 is Camelot Singularity
Ah, Mordred shared her appetite too.
Anime & Comics · Bleap
"I would tie her up myself, then ask for a raise!"
Fantasy · Demonic_Paradise
"That's an understatement..." replied Leon, his response incredibly faint, but Mordred managed to hear him without issue. As a result, the smile on her face became even more pronounced as she placed her hands on her hips, puffed out her chest, and said, "Then feel free to admire me to your heart's content! As for how I'll behave around others, there's no sense in worrying about that right now. After all, it's presently just the two of us."
Anime & Comics · Einlion
Fun fact: BB stands for Black Blossom
"Haha! You may have been lucky enough to defeat my minions without accruing injury, but now you're facing ME, the super-cute last boss-type kouhai, BB-chan!"
Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)
Video Games · CambrianBeckett