

LV 1
2021-02-05 入りました Global
バッジ 2

Moments 1
2 years ago
Replied to vicious_sheep

It's a random amount. So if a monster had 20, his stat could increase by any number between 1 and 20.

Just like when I first used my Skill, I was dumbfounded. It was no surprise that my Magic and Strength didn't go up by that much, but my Speed went from 12 to 32. It went up by 20! Even my Vitality went up by 9, which doesn't seem like much, but rabbit Monsters aren't known for their sturdiness.

You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

Fantasy · MystyCry

  • You Are What You Eat original

    You Are What You Eat


    As a Hunter, I must be strong. If I'm strong, then I'll be able to fight powerful Monsters. If I'm able to fight powerful Monsters, then I'll be able to receive a higher income. However, I've been weak for the past 4 years. I'll make sure that that changes. With this Skill that I've been granted, I'll change. It'll be tough, but I'll eat anything I have to to get stronger. I don't care if this Skill leads me to being some sort of monster or if this leads me to being hated. For the sake of my loved ones, I must be strong.

    20 Chs 232 お気に入り