
LV 4
2021-01-11 入りました Global
バッジ 2

Moments 5
2 days ago

I like the start. The mc seems to be slightly bookish and soft spoken. But thats a good thing i feel. I jst think that when u started u implied the mc had been a person who came to terms with his solitude after he started reading books. Just my opinion, but maybe try to add some relations and bonds slowly, as that will root him in this reality than thinking about the world as a book, while also adding depth to the story. Also (my opinion again) please dont make the Mc super powerful and be able to do stuff that grown wizards cant do by the time he is halfway into his first year. Doesn't make sense and breaks the immersion totally. Maybe because of his love for books and all he will be rsther erudite and a bit ahead of the curve, like some spells of one year in advance. Not too much. Potions are severely underratted so you can maybe make the mc explore that or other magical fields( that amkes sense). please dont make the mc master alchemy and runes by the time he is first year. As j said before, it doesn't make sense and breaks immersion. And lastly, just my opinion again, based on the vibe the mc gave, he seemed kind hearted. Please dont change that. Too many fics for some reason make Dumbledore into some villan and there is a growing trend of making villan mc, who will do anything, no proper relationships or motives that explain his drive except that they look at the world as if its a game, and do random stuff, sometimes evil. Without proper buildup showing all that, breaks immersion and seems dumb (just my opinion). In any case all the best for your story. Its not easy to create something, and i eidh you success in your endeavors.

5 months ago

This is freaking awesome !! I just wish there were around 500 chapters to binge on :) Keep up the good work author san

5 months ago

This is really good!! I wish there were hundreds of chapters :) Please keep up the good work author san

5 months ago

Hands down one of the best stories i have read.

6 months ago

This was a breath of fresh air among most other Harry Potter fanfics. Maybe the progress of his magic was a little fast for first year but i suppose him practicing for seven years under that master is somewhat reasonable. No weird edgey mc, great development and characters. I really appreciate this as most other fan fics are kind of having god level mc before they reach school, just repeated cannon events, or having r18 scenes instead of a good story. Author has written an amazing original story for the first year. I eagerly await more.