REAVALE - Profile


LV 14
2020-12-31 入りました United States

バッジ 8

Moments 72



So, the two eventually decided to go into an eclectic store. One that held lots of things. All ridiculously expensive, but the Captain refused to let Kellen get distracted by the numbers. He'd been living too long on a shitty C Class Guide salary, and that wasn't going to be his life anymore. He was going to have to get used to it. The two came up with a little game. They would each pick out something for each other, with about ten minutes on the clock, and then would come back after they purchased it and then they would exchange them. So, timer set, enthusiasm up, the pair set off. 10 minutes passed, the two met in front of the store and exchanged their parcels.

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


Diego has priorities when it comes to self love

Why didn't they spread rumors of my lovely cooking? Or my beautiful hair? It just had to be the time I was covered in nasty giants' blood that was stuck in their minds.

The Innkeeper and The Vampire King

The Innkeeper and The Vampire King

LGBT+ · itoade


Well, based on how much time has passed, isn’t it pretty close to his release date now? I can’t remember exactly how long his sentence was though

"Ah, feels like it's time for me to get out of here," Han Joon tapped the table slowly, clearly, and the guards tried hard not to sweat in their spots.

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

LGBT+ · Aerlev


I really need the captain to find the box🙏🏻

He'd left it out in his closet because he didn't think he'd have people over so soon. He should have known better. Everything wasn't spread out, but if anyone got curious and opened it, he was screwed. Especially if it was the Captain. He was sure that someone would snoop, and out of everyone, he'd put money on either his Mom or Gwen finding it. It was a small blessing that his family had already forgotten that he'd admired the Captain when he was younger, and he did not want to reopen that can of worms now that he was paired with him. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


This paragraph was adorable, but I’m absolutely dying that the start of the Captain’s love for Kellen was because he got hit by a rock Kellen kicked. I love it😂

"Well, I had plans to tempt you into the Guild with the Field Guide instructor position. After that I was going to offer you an apartment in the tower, slowly getting closer and closer to you, until we were finally alone and then I would seduce you into a kiss. And then another, and another. Until you couldn't see or feel anyone but me." His grin was a little wicked when he met Kellen's gaze again. "All of my carefully put together plans were blown out of the water the second you began guiding me in your retest. I knew that I should have let your hand go, but I simply couldn't. I'd let myself go too long without guiding, and you were just so...your guiding has a certain calming effect on others, and I couldn't ignore that." Kellen was surprised to hear that. No one had made any concrete comments about his guiding before, outside of him and Hill recently. Maybe that came with the Class jump? "After you woke up after I ruined your life and plans, I realised mine were also in tatters. Still, when they handed me the results of our test, it took everything I had in me to force myself to stay away from you." He chuckled. "I advantage over most S Classes. It's a blessing and a curse, but because of it I thought I had escaped most S Class traits. The ones that make society scared of us. But when I stared down at that piece of paper that told me you were mine? I knew I was just as much of a crazy S Class Esper like everyone else." The Captain's grip on him tightened, pulling them closer and Kellen could feel the outline of him against his crotch. His eyes widened, but he kept his mouth shut. "I never want to let you go. I don't know if I ever could. You are everything I've ever wanted in my life, Kellen Woods, and I did my best to give you a chance to run away. But you came back to me kicking and clawing your way into my heart that was already wide open for you. You even called me a coward for trying to protect you from me. If I hadn't been hopelessly in love with you since you kicked a rock at me in the forest 7 years ago, I would have fallen in love again at that moment." Stunned, Kellen had no idea what to say. As the Captain continued to speak, Kellen could feel his cheeks heating until it wrapped around his neck and up to his ears. The Captain only seemed to be soft and warm, not really affected by the words coming out of his mouth. As if admitting what he had was no big deal. Then, Kellen realised what he had said at the end, and grew flustered. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


It’s the captain’s turn to take care of Kellen!

"There is a reason Guides keep sessions to 15-30 minute intervals. Any longer than that and there is a chance for a rebound of sorts. We call it overextension or overexertion. With your Class, and how long Kellen was Guiding, there is no chance he's escaping side effects. Kellen here is trying to tell me that he is going to go about the rest of his day like nothing happened." She sighed, shaking her head as the Captain's grip on Kellen tightened further. She continued. "Side effects can vary for everyone, but for Kellen he usually runs a particular type of fever and is usually overly sensitive to touch of any kind. These are fairly common side effects, but are particularly awful. They can be excruciating without a partner, especially without an Esper. The only way to soothe the sensitivity is to gently surround the Guide in the Esper's power while touching the Guide. That's the only way to calm them. Even if this side effect is common, it can sometimes last for days." She sighed again, running her hand over the top of her smoothed hair. "I don't think that'll be the case for Kellen, even at his level, but he needs his rest. Even if it's with sleeping pills. Give me a sec." She turned and went for a large cabinet behind her desk. Kellen could feel the Captain's stare on him. He was clearly upset. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


Oh…I’m going to go cry from joy now. They’re so lovely

I pulled my hands away from his hold and grasped his cheeks, leaning down so there was nothing I could see but him. "Natha, you are my whole world," I whispered what I had yet to convey during the ceremony earlier. "You are the person who opens the path for me. Everything I have in this world is only possible because of you. For me, there's no one else but you; no one is more important than you."

The Demon Lord’s Bride (BL)

The Demon Lord’s Bride (BL)

LGBT+ · Aerlev


Val, you’re literally the prince of the druids😂

Alas. My fiance happened to be the candidate for the Demon King.

The Demon Lord’s Bride (BL)

The Demon Lord’s Bride (BL)

LGBT+ · Aerlev


Is the falcon Setnath’s spirit animal or something😂

And it might be his imagination, but Zein had a feeling the falcon scoffed and threw its face away. 

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

LGBT+ · Aerlev


Elena is really putting herself in the running for my favorite character😂

He pulled away with a slight gasp and took a half-step away from Bassena. He wouldn't care much, usually, but there was a little girl there, whose eyes had been covered by the Saintess. Elena was protesting and whining about wanting to 'see the avalanche' while the Medium covered her flustered face with the innocent white rabbit. 

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

LGBT+ · Aerlev


It’s stress eating

"What now?" I threw a sharp gaze to the side, this time toward the Hero--since Illian still eating the biscuit, funnily enough. Maybe he was really hungry waiting outside. 

The Demon Lord’s Bride (BL)

The Demon Lord’s Bride (BL)

LGBT+ · Aerlev
