Aldrighi - Profile



male LV 14
2020-12-27 入りました Global

バッジ 15

Moments 1147



She only started gambling and drinking after the trauma no?

It's not that she hated the position of a hokage, her grandfather and uncle were both hokage and being hokage herself would surely make her proud and happy but that happiness would turn into hell when she wouldn't get time for herself, no gambling, no drinking, just constant work.

Konoha: The Template System

Konoha: The Template System

Anime & Comics · Tobi_444


I don't think harem fits in marvel modern earth. Nor does it fit with how the characters have been written so far.

Fourthly, I will set a poll in the future regarding romance. Yes boys, a Harem or No Harem poll. Once I reach the MTL chapter where a Harem is OFFICIALLY introduced, I will then create the poll. At the moment, Wanda is the only given, BUT, NATASHA could EASILY just slide in with how I'm writing her relationship with Luke. Yes, for those who could pick it up, I have written Nat and Luke to show a very close relationship, this is all in preparation for any possible future scenarios *wink wink*. One side can say "they're like best friends", while the other can say "He's playing the long game". Like real life guy/girl bestfriends honestly :D

My diary system in Marvel

My diary system in Marvel

Anime & Comics · TheWandaShip



"No, you came at the right time..."

The Dragon's Shadow

The Dragon's Shadow

Fantasy · haytham_


I too dropped it because of the romance many months ago.

I hope you liked what I've done with the chapter, especially that ending scene! It was inspired by another Fanfic author "Alittlepiggy33" for his AMAZING fanfic of Modern Family "Re:Life with Karmic Gacha". However, I feel like the author FUMBLED HARD with the romance, AND it felt like the author of the fanfic CHANGED from chapter 170 onwards. The writing style was different from that chapter onward. About the romance, no spoilers :D But it's a triangle? Square? Just know there's drama, and no one gets the happy ending. I dropped it at chapter 170 anyways so I don't know how the romance is now, but it was a good 170 chapters that I read!

My diary system in Marvel

My diary system in Marvel

Anime & Comics · TheWandaShip



[Walking into the room, I was met with a round kick aimed at my solar plexus. Thinking quickly, I had raised my arm to grab the leg. Unfortunately, the skill difference showed at the time, as when I had grabbed the leg, Natasha had already used the momentum to swing her other leg towards my head. Not wanting to get a concussion, I had to let go of her leg in order to duck low enough for her not to be able to shift her leg and connect the kick. And that was my first and last mistake. As her other leg landed on the floor due to missing my head, Natasha had simultaneously grabbed my neck easily due to how low I had to duck, while also using her leg that I had let go to sweep my feet forward while leaning on me to push my body backwards, causing me to land on my back. Still reeling in the shock, pain, and humiliation, she had already adjusted her position to keep me in a chokehold. And as she asked who I was and who I worked for, my lord and saviour Clint Barton had walked in.]

My diary system in Marvel

My diary system in Marvel

Anime & Comics · TheWandaShip



[Life was great for me as a child, that was until my parents had one night been killed at an alleyway, unknown to the rest of the world. Since then, I was raised by my uncle and his wife, Ben and May. I was a couple years older but growing up with Peter – who was their adopted son, had instilled in me the values of protecting those who were unable to protect themselves. Peter had always been bullied at a young age due to his unrivalled genius in his academics. But he was always too timid to fight back or speak up. But he never failed to smile in the face of adversity, and he always seemed to bounce back stronger than before. Growing up with the Parkers, I had thought I could have moved on from the death of my parents. Sadly when uncle Ben died, it reminded me too much of my parent's death. And so my hunger for vengeance towards my parents' killer grew. I had done my best and tried everything to find the culprit. I even went to study criminology in university and even joined the Police Academy in the hopes of catching the culprit one day. And I did. When I caught the b*stard, I had never been so tempted to take another man's life. It would have been so easy to do so, I already had my duty issued pistol aimed at where his heart would be. In that moment, I had the power to decide whether a man would live or die.]

My diary system in Marvel

My diary system in Marvel

Anime & Comics · TheWandaShip


How old is he again?

"No!!. The law is not useless!!. The law is the only way the people have to ensure they live in fairness!!. If the law is not working, it's because the law is not being respected!!!. So people of Liyue, raise to arms, those being reason, democracy and cooperation. Let us build a country where everyone is given where they are owed!!" I'm getting a hoarse voice, so I think it's better to stop now. I have an idea.

Souls in Teyvat

Souls in Teyvat

Video Games · ARandomMob



Edit 7: One last update, here are some pictures, some short video clips and everything I could get my hands on. [Link][Link][Link][Link] [Link][Link][Link][Link] [Link][Link][Link][Link] [Link][Link][Link][Link] [Link][Link][Link][Link] [Link][Link][Link][Link]

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne



We have the Saintess of Orleans friendly with the Son of Satan. And there wasn't a hint of animosity or dislike between them. It's like their respective origins, their beliefs, and their races didn't matter in the slightest.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
