When the pasword to your atlantis account is "PowahOfFrenship"
I smell power scaling
Poor Axel got no break
Oooh that's evil I like it👍
Doesn't sound like axel now
I feel like at some point axel's unique ability will be shown as something like "Will is Life"
If I guess/read correctly. Star and Stripe's Sister had the actual New Order Quirk. Arsenal was sent to hunt her down for All for one. The sister died, and was the target of "angle park" tragedy. But she put an order to her quirk to get passed down to Star and stripe. There are 2 ways I can see this going. Both Star&Stripe and her sister has New order (1 command active) and on transfer, they merged . OR sister had the new order with 2 commands and that was passed to Star. Horizon probably dosen't know that the kid arsenal killed was Star's Sister Again just my theory, nothing else
Horizon's previous behavior in the aftermath of his fight with gigantomachia seems to be like he's ready to accept the fact that his parents are no more. I'd say he wants to destroy japan, but not in the classic villan way, but rather, messup the internals by crashing economy, fueling mistrust within citizens and such and clearly showing that Japan lost it's protector, for all the miscellaneous to ravage it. He's probably also gonna use japan as a bait to get leads on tech
Ooh the cliff
I get a feeling that horizon came here specifically to bug/wiretape hawks and pantu. Probably into Nezu's network. If Hawks is compromised, then we're in for a good show. Tho filler chapters do be a bit much now
MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)
Anime & Comics · keanu_eugene