

LV 12
2020-11-22 入りました Global
バッジ 7

Moments 776
2 days ago

Marvolo gaunt?

11 days ago

I mean they do have the time stone as well anyway

[Possessing a Treasure] (Black): Secretly holds an item coveted by Thanos. Once the Dark Order discovers you, Kamar-Taj faces catastrophe.

"Kamar-Taj : Unveiling Countless Talents entries"

"Kamar-Taj : Unveiling Countless Talents entries"

Movies · Anubhav_Bharshiv

12 days ago

And here i was ready for a yew wood wand with threstal hair

Just when Anthony was thinking about whether he really needed a wand - honestly, he wouldn't blow himself up without a wand - Ollivander pulled out the next wand from the shelf and stuffed it into his hand: "Try, Try this one. Silver basswood, unicorn tail hair. Ten and three-quarter inches, average elasticity."

HP: The Necromancer

HP: The Necromancer

Book&Literature · keep_smiling29

1 months ago

Always really liked ponyta and rapidash.

'Hmm, maybe an Eevee or a Scyther... Oh, a Ninetales would be really cool.'

Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey

Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey

Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet

1 months ago

Definitely charmander bulbasaur and squirtle. Also snorlax and lapras.

As I packed my backpack with essentials—extra clothing, a tent, sleeping bag, pad, Pokémon repel, and a lighter—I pondered a significant question: Do I have to collect all of Ash's Pokémon?

Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey

Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey

Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet

2 months ago

The only reason he was made the minister in the books was because amelia died in coldemorts attack in her manor. If not she was the front runner for the minister’s position.

'Rufus Scrimgeour declared new Minister of Magic after a very long Wizardgamot session.'

Harry Potter: The Dark Lord rebirth

Harry Potter: The Dark Lord rebirth

Book&Literature · Krio_Genix

2 months ago

But didn’t hermiones parents come to the shop in the second book when they got lockharts books when malfoy senior points at them.

-Diagon Alley, the place where we will be shopping, is hidden by a spell that does not allow ordinary people there. Therefore, your parents will not be able to get there.

Mind and Magic

Mind and Magic

Book&Literature · 3737_irinol

2 months ago
Replied to Chason_Wright

Scariest is honestly the deer king 🦌

2 months ago

Honestly if you are powerful enough the world of toriko is the best world you can live in.

Lev and the rest were in a place called Autumn Mountain, it is a region in the Human World with a wide assortment of wildlife and ingredients, especially a large number of plant beasts. This mountain range was a unique place in the sense that it had two seasons, the outer part of which was experiencing the fall season and the more you move to the west side the closer you are to the place experiencing the autumn season. 

The Odyssey of the Chosen One

The Odyssey of the Chosen One

Anime & Comics · Alter_Fanfic

2 months ago

Great place choice

Meanwhile, Lev could be found meditating with his eyes closed in the midst of it. The place he was in was none other than the place in the Human World called the 'Vegetable Sky' where the legendary "Ozone Herb", nicknamed the "King of Vegetables", can be found. Right now, Lev was in a separate location from the rest of the vegetable sky seeing him being surrounded by the Legendary Ozone Herbs. 

The Odyssey of the Chosen One

The Odyssey of the Chosen One

Anime & Comics · Alter_Fanfic

  • The Lazy Raven original

    The Lazy Raven

    Book&Literature HARRYPOTTER

    When you find yourself in the world of harry potter what will you do? Or what do you think you will do? I always used to think this in my free time. Never thought I would get to experience it. So let's dive down or fly in this context in this magical world. English is not my first language so I hope you will bear with my any suggestions are welcome.

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