Baby toothless or grown up toothless would be awesome
Also please tell me that after the ww2 arc there will be a time skip or something cause I really want to see Ricky interacting with the original charecters
Feedback. The system was kinda dumb at the start and it’s okay now. I don’t think you need to change or focus too much on the system because it’s alright as it is. The best part of this fanfic is how you managed to develop the charecters and the story and keeping it interesting even when you haven’t reached the main storyline yet. I am still waiting with great anticipation for how you will write the interactions between Ricky and the avengers, xmen, etc. The thing that needs the most improvement in my opinion is the smut. No idea if you read smut novels or not but if you don’t it might help if you read a few. Love your work and I hope you manage to continue writing till you finish it. (Many authors drop their work, hope you don’t)
Nice chapter. Love how lyn is interacting with them.
eagerly waiting to see the first interaction between Lyn and Ciri and the zombie apocalypse survivors
Power trio with mirko and momo
Nice chapter, eager for the next one
Don’t let the uncultured sway you away from achieving your magnum opus
Shrouded seascape quite good too
Awesome chapter, probably one of the best ones I have read from this story, the build up of emotions was great and the end… that was peak, among the best things I have read on this site
Marvel: Impregnation System
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend