Yes to Questionable questing. half a no to the lewds
I find my Lewds writing quite poor, and I don't think my current obsession will help due to it being a Waifu Catalog story and that genre being hentai as fuck. Would anyone truly be interested in me novelizing hentai? Also would anyone want me to post that story here as I was going to post it on Questionable Questing?
Book&Literature · JManM
any news on the next chapter?
This is probably one of the best stories on this sight. Keep up the good work!
hard facts
'wHeN nExT cHaPtEr?!'
TV · ssyffix
Id recommend moving this chapter to the information section, so that it doesn't break up the flow of chapters. Liking the story thus far!
do you have an update schedule for this story, I crave more!
Thanks for the chapter! Which number son is Gelmar again?
We locked eyes and I nodded. He nodded back and together we sought out delicious eggs and bacon.
Book&Literature · JManM
I feel like regular tournaments are tamer compared to the absolute ragers of fights that took place under big bobby B. The rewards were probably obscene enough to drive the contestants to more permanent solutions in the tourneys at the capital rather than the flowery ones held in the reach.
Up next is the tournament people have been waiting for. I'll do each event, and we'll see if I have the attention to detail to pull it off. I was fairly bothered by the weapons used in the melee for HotD. You can't make a flail safe, the same way you cant make a mace or hammer safe, for tournament use. Tournaments are supposed to be sporting events. So are melees in Planetos just blood sport were people are expected to pull their punches, but murder is just boys being boys?
Book&Literature · JManM
Thanks for the chapter! I can't wait to see the tournament arc
I re-read it after the last chapter came out and blazed through it. the fact that you were able to make a nearly 140K word work feel short is a testament to the quality of the story.
Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear
Book&Literature · JManM