You are right about that.
Anime & Comics · rickert_61
Only Sheer heart attack for now, but Bites the Dust will be awarded in later chapter. Stay tuned
Anime & Comics · rickert_61
Thanks for pointing out, I will reveal that in upcoming chapters.
Anime & Comics · rickert_61
Dowsing Chain ( Ring Finger) — Kurapika uses this frequently under normal situations, for defensive and offensive purposes. It is also useful for investigative activities, like determining the location of missing individuals,and identifying if someone is lying. Type (Conjuration). When Emperor Time is active, it becomes possible for him to use that ability also through video recordings, provided he has met the subject before. Type (Specialization)
Anime & Comics · rickert_61
Chain Jail ( Middle Finger)— designed to envelop and restrain Spiders. It forces its prisoners into a state of Zetsu, shutting off their aura and preventing the use of Nen abilities. Kurapika can only use it to spiders, and if violated it will result to Kurapika's death. Type (Conjuration)
Anime & Comics · rickert_61
Steal Chain (Index Finger) — upon piercing the body of the target this chain drains their aura and steals one of their Nen abilities. Type (Conjuration). By activating Emperor Time, Kurapika can summon a dolphin-like construct that can "equip" and analyze the stolen ability, informing Kurapika of its name, functions, and basic conditions. Type (Specialization)
Anime & Comics · rickert_61
Holy Chain ( Thumb Finger) — it cures wounds. Type (Conjuration). When Kurapika is in his Specialist state, it can heal serious injuries, such as a fractured arm, within seconds. Type (Enhancement and Specialization)
Anime & Comics · rickert_61
Judgementhain ( Pinky Finger)— enter thevictim's body and wraps around their heart. Kurapika gives the victim an order, which, if violated, piercing the victim's heart, killing them. Kurapika can dispel it at his will and he would be alerted if someone removed it. Can only be used with emperor time. Type (Conjuration, Emission, Manipulation, Specialization)
Anime & Comics · rickert_61
Kurapika have 5 chains that intersect to each of his fingers and here are those:
Anime & Comics · rickert_61
You can leave instantly
Anime & Comics · rickert_61