"...organized 300 female savages to pick wild grapes in the nearby mountains and forests, and opened up 900 mu of open land near the mouth of the valley to plant grapes. It is expected that the first batch will be harvested in half a year..."
TV · Tortle121
maybe add the Potsdam giants
Skagos has a dormant one
The other two ways were with Dragon Glass, but he doesn't have enough influence nor people to conquer Dragonstone so that would have to wait until the future, the last way was with fire which could kill the White walkers.
TV · Dr_Dred
I love this story it is always interesting maybe he could try to do something with space
tyrosh is also on an island
The roads have also made great progress and were already connecting Volantis with a small port city in the former Disputed Lands that was near Lys. The roads to Myr and Tyrosh were also about halfway done.
TV · GodOfFreedom
so is he in the mass effect universe or does to go to the travel to the mass effect universe
when writing her or him it is important to think of it like a possession who's life did he save, the young ladies life so her
Games · Police96
the young lady thanks him for saving her life
Games · Police96
dropped dead
Games · Police96
Galaxies you mean systems
Warhammer 40k : Space Marine Kayvaan
Video Games · InevitableWriter