ey hahaha
Cinderielle laughed gently and looked down at the petite woman in her arms. 'Sigh… She is so cute and beautiful. I feel that my love for her is just endlessly growing.'
Fantasy · Mortrexo
Chapter 325. First Kiss.
Fantasy · Mortrexo
ugh, please!! it's them!!! I knew there would be 7 of them!!
They don't question it? A two-day old?!?!
The farmer, a middle-aged man with a rough face, looked up at her with a mix of confusion and irritation. "Don't worry about it, little one," he grumbled. "The crops are dying, and there's nothing we can do about it. Too much heat, not enough water, the soil's all wrong. This farm's as good as done for."
Fantasy · Celipse
Harmonixia blinked twice and answered solemnly. "I also want to marry you!"
Fantasy · Mortrexo
4 out of.... 7?
And so, both Verena and Eila turned to look in the direction of the Sylvan, whose eyes glowed in a severely unsettling manner. 'Liu Shu's pursuers are… extreme.'
Fantasy · Mortrexo
lmao, how to choose?
Flor's brain froze as the invitations of people she didn't expect flew her way. 'W-What?'
Fantasy · Mortrexo
System can't ever redeem itself🤣🤣
'WAH! System is as useless as ever! Wisdom!'
Fantasy · Mortrexo
yeah, it gave me goosebumps for a moment
"How dare you leave us all behind?
Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos
Fantasy · Mortrexo