
LV 1
2020-10-09 入りました Global
バッジ 1

Moments 3
3 years ago

After following the story for over 70 chapters (or more if your a patron member like me) I have really enjoyed much of what I've read thus far. Still like any story It's not without some flaws, the main character Arthur starts out like many isekai(different or other world story) protagonists before him Arthur starts out in this new world far stronger then most people and or foes he encounters so most fights he engages in are pretty much one sided with very few exceptions. Though unlike other protagonists Arthur carries quite a bit of personal baggage from his previous life, and as for how he gains his new life is certainly one I haven't thought of before now. As for the other characters I can't say many of them make much of an impression on me beside Arthur and the villains. They're either treated as helpless or outright useless usually by Arthur himself, not to say they're bad people but once Arthur enters the picture they all seem to hang at his every word like sheep. Or too horrified by his actions to think straight. There isn't much to say on the stories's pacing either, I've found it's like someone fast forwarding from the beginning of a show, movie, or other such story trying to get to the good parts they like best. Since the chapters are somewhat short it's not that bad but we go from arriving in this world to fighting it's larger then life threats with little time to process what's happened, and don't get me started on the many cliff hangers this story has. I do like this story and I hope to see it continue for quite some time but more of the characters need said time to grow and develop, meaning they're not constantly thinking about the main character Arthur and whatever he's done, doing, or about to do and get more involved in matters themselves. The world itself is fine for now and I hope we get to "see" more of it, locations that we've heard about from some of the characters seem really interesting and the locations Arthur has been to fit quite well for a medieval fantasy such as "Star Eater". In summary despite my criticisms about it I think this story has a lot of good ideas and characters, they just need a bit(lot)more flushing out. So if your into medieval fantasy otherworld adventures and stories I do recommend "Star Eater" as a tale worth your time and if you like it I would suggest recommending it to people you know as well.

4 years ago

I liking what I read thus far though the cliffhangers tend to happen a bit too often.

4 years ago
