[So the info is that from this point the story will go through some changes that was not in the real movie. So sit tight and enjoy the ride of Abrar Haque. And now author begin your writing.]
Movies · Pritam_Mohapatra
Hermione, you should be more careful how you word things. Not only is a duel useful as a defense in this situation, but it's also a long-standing Wizarding tradition.
Book&Literature · Daddy
The only other person who stayed the entire time in the Great Hall with us was Professor Moody. He kept his distance though, constantly scanning the surroundings and Dumbledore's casting with a fixed expression and that creepy magical eye of his. He left slightly before we did, not sticking around for our unrelated conversation. According to Dumbledore, Moody's catchphrase was "Constant Vigilance!"
Book&Literature · Daddy
"Oh, Luna," My heart broke for her.
Book&Literature · Daddy
A beauty that I am trying to buy as my next ride.
"Oh yeah! I even bought a motorbike...a beautiful black Triumph Bonneville T120," he said with a nostalgic smile. "I laid all kinds of charms on that old girl. It could even fly!"
I was going to play Hogwarts Legacy to get some ideas, but it runs poorly on my PC, so I'll just play Skyrim for the hundredth time.
Movies · YoDarki
we are both in the same boat but I have never watched the hp movies but only have read the ffs.
Although Harry Potter was a bestseller all over the world, Andy had only heard of it in his previous life but had never read the books.
Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
It's okay man, but I still love this as I have re-read this for the third time.
Hello man, any updates?
That certainly attracted attention and whispers as both the Light and Dark tried to figure out my political stance. Jokes on them. It wasn't Light or Dark or even Gray. It was Chaos.
The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Book 2]
Book&Literature · Daddy