game name?
"Yes!" Ulik shouted joyfully. "Let us shake the world, old friend!"
Movies · Hey_Rishabh
Jujitsu Kaisen: Gamer Path - this one will be around 2017 setting one year before the series begins as the MC will have two Cursed Techniques Life is but a Game and Fusion. One more thing Jack has no involvement with this one so the MC doesn't know the plot.
Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
I understand, sorry. But apart from 2 complaints about Orion, at no point does he say he is going crazy because of it, it's like he went crazy instantly.
At what point did you become a fanatical believer out of nowhere? Before it was fine, there was no reason to make him a believer.
kagura is very good
- Although MC will be the main focus there will be points of view of other characters and development for them
Anime & Comics · hmak27230
Link please
Esta seguro que es suficiente tiempo? Creo que sería mejor que te tomaras mas tiempo, por ejemplo, el 15 de mayo.
I am guided by the labels, as I did not see that the romance or harem label was there, I thought I would not have a partner.
Niu Zei Ke! "Every morning when I wake up, the first thing I do is give myself a pep talk. Every time I eat one more grain of rice, I have to apologize. Magic mirror, magic mirror, where is my collarbone? Beauty, I want to be beautiful, I want to become irresistible to everyone!..."
With MUSIC in Marvel
Anime & Comics · INIT