
LV 1

Just a noob... *Sobs*

2020-09-16 入りました Global
バッジ 1

Moments 9
3 years ago

Hm... It's hard to review the book at the least. The grammar is chunky and may set readers like me off. I am not very strict for grammar and style, but I just can't vibe with a story written with poor or not good grammar. I may sound harsh, and maybe the author is a second, heck a third language English speaker, but I don't want to give a crappy review with no hint of your weak points. I would give you the advice to use Proaid, though it isn't best, it would make the lines much less chunky. I found a ton of redundant words, which could have been easily fixed. The second thing that turned me off while reading was too much vague description or style. Let me be clear, it is not likely for me to read romantic novels, and I stumbled on this while scouring the forums. But, a plus one to the author or making me stick till the end. So, the style was too abnormal for me. At multiple times, I had to re-read the same paragraph to understand the context. Third, the random flow of tense. The tense change was too erratic. And personally, there were quite a few times, I would have preferred changing the tense to past. So, I can't think of anything else to criticize, or maybe I can.... So if you have reached this far, then congrats on reading a long-ass review. So, the plot was fairly good in the first chapter. I have not read any further chapter, as I said before not my cup of tea unless it's harem. I love cliches. While some parts were breathtaking at most, the other was Meh! At the best. The last few paragraphs didn't make any sense, at least to me. Ugh... I shouldn't have started this review.... My hands are hurting. So, the plot is good, but I know jack about the world., one can counter me by saying Noob, it's just the first chapter. Yes, the story may later explore deeper, but I didn't know jack of the setting. Indeed I knew it was a royal setting with Emperor and queen, but not much to help my brain visualize anything or dive deeper into the world. I think I am repeating my words so I would end the review here. Lucky you, you all are exempted from reading any more crappy review from a random guy. So my advice to the author. Don't give up... Your plot is good, for the first few starting paras, I was able to visualize the scenes, but later I couldn't due to poor grammar, which is mostly because of the lacking style and fast pacing. If you don't like this review, don't accept it. Take it with a grain of salt, and use it to analyze yourself. I am no human, but I do make mistakes and have a preference. And improve as much as you can. Try till you get it is my motto. Well, Adios...

3 years ago

loud howl

There suddenly sounded a huge howl as the emperor woke up and sat on his bed while clutching his face hard to stop it from bleeding and also to reduce the pain.

Revenge with the help of Love

Revenge with the help of Love

History · Leorote

3 years ago

held his sword in his hands. you wrote in reverse, I think

The invader sneered as he held his hand on the sword that was attached to his waist. His knuckles turned whiter than they already were as he tried his best to control his hatred looking at the face in front of him by clenching his fist over the sword.

Revenge with the help of Love

Revenge with the help of Love

History · Leorote

3 years ago

Yet here is he, ...

How many lives had he destroyed in his life while making many others sleepless? No one would have an exact count for it. Because it would surely be a countless number. Yet he is here sleeping as if he deserved the best in the entire world.

Revenge with the help of Love

Revenge with the help of Love

History · Leorote

3 years ago
Replied to NoobWriterIsHere

*relaxing smile

Being in the position of the Emperor would give anyone a stress or a burden and they would be scared to sleep peacefully during the night. But him, he had neither a frown nor a panic on his face but instead there was a relaxing smile that lingered while he was sleeping.

Revenge with the help of Love

Revenge with the help of Love

History · Leorote

3 years ago

With neither panic or a single frown, his face had a pleasant smile, lacking any tension. Just a suggestion

Being in the position of the Emperor would give anyone a stress or a burden and they would be scared to sleep peacefully during the night. But him, he had neither a frown nor a panic on his face but instead there was a relaxing smile that lingered while he was sleeping.

Revenge with the help of Love

Revenge with the help of Love

History · Leorote

3 years ago

like twice seems redundant

The Emperor, who is about forty five years of age, doesn't look like his age but looks younger with the face that belonged to a thirty years young man.

Revenge with the help of Love

Revenge with the help of Love

History · Leorote

3 years ago

Emperor was sleeping with the help of moolight?

With the steps as light as a feather, he made his way into the largest chamber of the palace. There he found the Emperor sleeping alone on the bed with the help of the moonlight that passed through the window.

Revenge with the help of Love

Revenge with the help of Love

History · Leorote

3 years ago

Well, I can't express my words... it was a great book, and a awesome journey of humour, sadness and adventure for me. I will miss you Kim Dokja