

male LV 4


2020-09-13 入りました Albania
バッジ 11

Moments 206
4 days ago
Replied to Leo_nard0

Ah i forgot ro add the mc regains consciousness in his classroom/workplaces which is overgrown with greenery and has huge holes in the walls ceiling that allow to see the outside(not the mc tho he can't see)

I've been trying to think of what I want to write next once I'm done with this, and am struggling to come up with ideas so if you have some suggestions let me know. I'm not sure if I want to do another DxD one, or maybe a Multiverse one since I know those are popular on this site? 

DxD: Magician Of Darkness

DxD: Magician Of Darkness

Anime & Comics · Accel14

4 days ago

Ok so I've hade this idea for an original(or maybe someone knows a story that this can work with), the premise is that in the near future the word gets fucked, and a plant apocalypse starts, why or how doesn't really matter it can be whatever you want. When the apocalypse starts the mc is in his classroom or workplace, and time stops and a text box or a voice speaks into his mind and gives him a choice either he choses to become a plant/flower/tree or any other classification{(any plant/flower/tree ect he wants but he has to know at list a little bit about the thing he wants to be[I hade in mind some sort of flower])}or get to live  through the apocalypse as a normal human till he dies, or another possibility is if he doesn't chose yes he straight up dies. So he choses yes and he explodes and chunks splatter on everyone close to him and everything goes black. (undetermined long amount of time passes) the mc wakes up disoriented,sluggish,blind( cus he a flower duh) and bearly able to move.(more time passes and he figures out he can digest things and get their traits (with his roots at the beginning) (kinda slowly [maby upgradeable?]) {He doesn't have a system panel or anything just pure instinct and trial and error,or maybe he does your choice}he can ether add the traits to himself or forgo the traits and turn the digest thing into some kind of energy for evo/adaptability (more on that later)by hibernation or sleeping. (the more similar the trait is to what he has the faster they are acquired and  longer the more unconected they are, if they are to unconected he can only turn them into the energy, :example: he can digest a rose and get thorns in like a day or two, on the other if he digests a rat and wants its legs it's either going to fail and turn into the energy or take a long ass time like a month or something, and make it so he cam move his roots a tiny bit, but now the next time he tries it will take a little less time and improve them more.) Ok energy time,using the energy for evo/adapting works the same way time wise just with longer time frames, and he can get a lot more specific and custom and depending on that the energy demands get higher, so he must choose if he discards the trates for energy or assimilates them, onto how it works, so say for example he wants some tree bark he can ether just leave it at that and just get some average tree bark or go like,ok I want thicck bark, less movment(or spend even more energy to still be as bendy even with the bark)and more camo ,or or go like ok I want bark that can grow stone and metal(for a shitload of energy and time) and it spews poison and explodes ect ect.You get the idea a massive amount of energy and time for more control(recommended over the other use of getting average tree bark that can be aquaired just buy gettingthe trait for it), or just some time without the energy for traits. And author-man I know this probably isn't what you where thinking about,but I've had this idea floating in my head for a while, and I know I can't do it so even if you don't use it maby some other random person may get inspiration from it or something.😀😀👍 Or maby a Monsterverse Kaiju one.

I've been trying to think of what I want to write next once I'm done with this, and am struggling to come up with ideas so if you have some suggestions let me know. I'm not sure if I want to do another DxD one, or maybe a Multiverse one since I know those are popular on this site? 

DxD: Magician Of Darkness

DxD: Magician Of Darkness

Anime & Comics · Accel14

8 days ago
Replied to Doc_Kirby

no problem 🙂👍

14 days ago
Replied to gaurav_Kumar_1424


"Weird taste for a boy," Misty narrowed her eyes a bit at me before shrugging, doing interesting things to her chest and drawing my eyes to it before I could stop myself. She grinned wider at my involuntary reaction, "As for the date, how about we go on one now? We can have a little fun while Ash gets his butt kicked by Brock."

Pokemon: Jordinio Version

Pokemon: Jordinio Version

Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0

15 days ago
Replied to Trace7187


Because I wasn't looking at my adult self, I was looking at myself around twelve.

Pokemon: Jordinio Version

Pokemon: Jordinio Version

Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0

16 days ago


"[Modern Warfare Release: .50 CAL BMG- Single Shot]"- Sayaka said with a maddening grin.

Dragon in Marvel

Dragon in Marvel

Anime & Comics · ExistentialVoid

17 days ago
Replied to Aj234_5


17 days ago
Replied to Aj234_5

18 days ago
Replied to HeroOfWroughtIron

It's been a long time since I commented this and dropped the story, but I think I commented this mostly because it hadn't been very long that the mc was/did learning/learn(I think, not 100% sure), the rasengan and the author didn't mention anything more afterword about what the mc was going to do with it.

22 days ago

Well actually there exists a type of snail(I forgot where they are found, at the bottom of the ocean I think)that grows metal plates on their foot(the part it uses to walk) for protection


Ida has engines in his legs. Human machinery. He grew metal. That is not natural evolution.

Rain of Sins

Rain of Sins

Anime & Comics · Z75