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Moments 3
3 years ago

I'm a silent reader that doesn't comment; however it's not as if I don't have anything to say. When a good book engages my attention, I forget that the comment option exists. And as for this really hit me with the wow factor I always try to search for! Shun is a remarkably created character, the fact that he refuses to be defeated by a mysterious flying contraption, that being the system, adds to his royal aura! The novel is entertaining and serious at the right pacing. I'll admit that, transmigrating into the future rather than the past was something new that I actually found myself liking So, in short, you won't regret picking up this novel if you're searching for unusual qt novels!

4 years ago
Replied to MiaSilver

hmm some readers won't like it but it's a very well written novel, some readers won't mind

4 years ago

this was an awesome chapter. please update!