Harley16 - Profile



LV 11

mother of two, loves to bake, read novels and crocheting 😁

2020-09-04 入りました Philippines

バッジ 5

Moments 22


jealous Grey.. 🤗

Suddenly, Grey stood in between them and separated their hands, "Okay, you know each other now. Why don't we go to Mr. Grande now Mr. Daniel? I believe the two of you have a lot to talk about," he said while glaring meaningfully at Daniel.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


fcktard.. 😡

"I am a man with needs Sabrina and if you can't give me that, of course I will look for someone that can!" he spoked.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


hahahaha.. amusement park! 🤣🤣🤣

"Do I need to know you? And Lockwood Corporation? Never heard of that, is that an amusement park or a kiddie playground?" Alexander answered sarcastically.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


oh that big tease! 🙈🙈🙈

"Can't I be your breakfast?" Alexander smiled at her playfully and wiggled his brows on Sabrina.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


great timing.. for his plans to be ruined! 🤣

"Oh nothing," he chuckled, "I guess I arrived at the wrong time. Thank you for your help," he said then turned around to leave.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


that was the best move! gentleman ever! 😍

But instead of feeling his lips on hers, she felt his lips on her forehead instead. She immediately opened her eyes and saw Alexander's eyes looking straight at her, "Don't worry, I won't touch you tonight, of course not until we're married," he said then went out of the car to open the door for Sabrina.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


selfish stupid jerk! 😡

"Nobody can ever have you other than me Sabrina, you're mine from the beginning and mine till the end," he said to himself.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


*add me to the group, ya'll! 🤣

"HAVE RESPECT TO THE SINGLES!" Kenzie and Grey shouted at them on the same time.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


I would do it immediately if i was Sabrina.. 🤣

"But an apology isn't enough, you were really hard on me," he faced her her then bended down so that their face were on the same level. He looked ate her on the eye and said, "How about you kiss me, then I'll accept your sorry," he smiled at her playfully.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs



She was a healthy woman of right age and Alex's naked torso is giving her sinful thoughts.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


wish I have that kind of dad.. hahahaha.. kidding! i love my dad! even if he's some kind of mr. grouchy.. 😅

"I think it's great! You'll be closer to her in that way and I won't be worried about her safety," the man answered.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


wow, advance thinking! [img=recommend]

"Why so? I don't think there's anything wrong at all," he said then walked towards Sabrina who also stepped back from him until he back hit a wall. He placed one hand beside Sabrina's head and said, "We'll get married soon, I think we should practice living together already,"

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


a dog, huh? 🙄

"Nothing I thought I saw a dog," he answered, "Continue your story," he said the started to drive again.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


oh my ghaaaaaaaaaad! you've got a long long hair, girl! 😍😍😍

"Who said I was doing it out of boredom? And I wasn't asking for permission, I was informing you," he said then crossed his legs in a cool manner.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs


the "KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR" act! 😍😍😍 now, I love him...

Alexander faced Sabrina and suddenly pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her in the head, "Everything's going to be okay," he comforted her. After a few seconds, he let go of her and entered the driver's seat and sped away.

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Loving The Demon CEO Alexander Grande

Urban · bbrightvcs
