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Search Tales of a Peculiar Pirate to find the updating novel!! || My read count is so low bc I prefer reading on my laptop ;-;

2020-09-02 入りました Global
バッジ 6

Moments 242
3 years ago

Snee James: inverted name of current hormel foods ceo Eustachia of House Ntoove: eustachian tube is another ear muscle heh

"Announcing His Majesty, the Great Lamp of Our Kingdom, Snee James Rhoy 'Al-Ti, and the Worthy Candles, their Royal Highnesses, Prince Spamlet and Princess Auricularis of Heareh, as well as Concubine Eustachia of House Ntoove!"

An Isekai Where Flags Are Raised Almost Every Chapter!

An Isekai Where Flags Are Raised Almost Every Chapter!

Fantasy · spicyscribbles

3 years ago

The name Spam was derived from a contraction of "spiced ham." The original variety of Spam is still available today, acknowledged as the "spiced hammiest" of them all :D

"Girl, if you won't settle for a literal prince then I don't know what to tell you," said Calorie with her brows raised and lips pursed to the side. "Kidding, nah, he's pretty crusty for a prince. And what kind of name is Spamlet? I can sort of understand Auricularis, because even if it's an irrelevant muscle, at least it sounds kinda cool. But Spamlet? Spamlet? Might as well call him Prince Spiced Hammiest while we're at it."

An Isekai Where Flags Are Raised Almost Every Chapter!

An Isekai Where Flags Are Raised Almost Every Chapter!

Fantasy · spicyscribbles

3 years ago
Replied to spicyscribbles

Magic mike 💀💀

The restaurant is packed, a show just started and Mike, one of the entertainers, is sitting on a stool on stage, playing some gooey tunes on his guitar.

Too Broke For Afterlife

Too Broke For Afterlife

Sci-fi · Chuck45Single

3 years ago


The restaurant is packed, a show just started and Mike, one of the entertainers, is sitting on a stool on stage, playing some gooey tunes on his guitar.

Too Broke For Afterlife

Too Broke For Afterlife

Sci-fi · Chuck45Single

3 years ago
Replied to Ms_Jane

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed :D

3 years ago
Replied to Energetic_Beet

Idk what a trpg is either LOL

However, she'd never been able to find any such gathering and the closest she had gotten to a tea party were butler cafes. Duchess Bolita hoped very much that at least the silverware at the tea party would be similar.

An Isekai Where Flags Are Raised Almost Every Chapter!

An Isekai Where Flags Are Raised Almost Every Chapter!

Fantasy · spicyscribbles

3 years ago

How nasty of her >:C

Can You Still Be Mine?

Can You Still Be Mine?

Urban · Ms_Jane

3 years ago

Ahahhaha punny

These kinds of physical activities definitely were what I missed most when I had no body (and nobody, hehe), just floating around like a scentless fart. But when I met Kira, that finally changed. I'm not sure what attracted her more, my sick sense of humor or Jordan's run-of-the-mill face but honestly, I couldn't care less.

Too Broke For Afterlife

Too Broke For Afterlife

Sci-fi · Chuck45Single

3 years ago

Ahahhaha punny

These kinds of physical activities definitely were what I missed most when I had no body (and nobody, hehe), just floating around like a scentless fart. But when I met Kira, that finally changed. I'm not sure what attracted her more, my sick sense of humor or Jordan's run-of-the-mill face but honestly, I couldn't care less.

Too Broke For Afterlife

Too Broke For Afterlife

Sci-fi · Chuck45Single

3 years ago

LOL a menace

"Mister Jones, according to my data you haven't been the most affable human during your time on Earth. Karma points are being earned by doing good things and being diligent. The greater the deed, the more points. But according to your file you have lost a lot of points through unfavorable actions such as smoking weed on school grounds, plenty of cases of arson, breaking up with your pregnant girlfriend and bullying several of your peers."

Too Broke For Afterlife

Too Broke For Afterlife

Sci-fi · Chuck45Single

  • An Isekai Where Flags Are Raised Almost Every Chapter! original

    An Isekai Where Flags Are Raised Almost Every Chapter!


    Usually people die when they are killed. However, that's not the case for these three unfortunate souls who've somehow found themselves in new bodies in a fantasy world. It's not long before they realize that maybe they were better off in their old world, and if they want to get back home they're going to have pool together every last one of their (few) brain cells. x x x If she were the male lead of a shoujo manga, Auricularis would have said "Interesting" and tried to find more about this strange young lass through inconvenient and indirect means. But Auricularis wasn't a shoujo manga male lead, she was far from it. She was a gym rat, a muscle maniac, a workout fanatic and that meant she worked out her problems… literally. xxx This work is collaboration between @/veggiemans070 and I for the Spirity Awards, and it updates Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. We hope you enjoy!!

    27 Chs 12 お気に入り

  • Unpublished-ToaPP original




    Read the updating version here!! https://www.webnovel.com/book/tales-of-a-peculiar-pirate_18571957206338505 Since the day she slid out of the womb, Polly has always dreamed of being a pirate, though she's really only interested in exploring new lands and learning about new cultures (pillaging isn't her cup of tea). As she travels from island to island and meets all sorts of people and creatures, Polly finds herself realizing that there are more things that can't be explained than can. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "Good day, good sir," she chirped in as cheerful a voice as she could manage while still being salty over the ship fiasco. "Good day? The sun may be shining and the clouds may be gone, but today is anything but a good day," replied the pirate with a long look. "Who rained on your parade?" went Polly. "I shouldn't bother such a pleasant person as you with my tale," sighed the pirate. He cast a forlorn gaze towards the sea and it really would have been quite an aesthetic moment for a picture taker. "Oh, well then, um, sea you later?" replied Polly who began turning away. "Alas, it was just this morning when I was a younger man and had not a clue what evils would befall me," started the pirate. Coincidentally there was a bench which Polly sat herself down on and a stage which the pirate leaped onto.

    6 Chs 9 お気に入り