The_Loresharer - Profile



male LV 15

I read. I read way too much and sleep too little. It's nice. I hope that I can be happy someday and find a beautiful girl to love. Note: I am happier now and have an amazing girlfriend.

2020-09-02 入りました United States

バッジ 63

Moments 6635

Replied to Blood_Prince

I meant that dry ice only requires -112 ° so it should be freezing as well, not that the temperature was wrong

However, the attribute of this buff skill was to lower the temperature caused by Roy's frost magic power and force it to -200°C!

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon



The go-to method would be to bury his body in a faraway forest. But that always takes too much time, and I wished I owned an electric incinerator that could destroy his body in seconds.

God of Milfs: The Gods Request Me To Make a Milf Harem

God of Milfs: The Gods Request Me To Make a Milf Harem

Urban · AGodAmongMen

Replied to nait993

Other way but you've got the idea


However, what Roy did not expect was that the moment he appeared, Fat Tiger was about to be eaten. Roy exploded!

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon



In the following days, Roy and Julia stayed in their territory every day, and the thing that they did the most was have sex. Roy felt that Julia really wanted to have a child with him. It seemed that Roy seeking the secrets of the nephilim had given her many inspirations and made her believe that even though the two of them were different races, there was still the possibility of giving birth to a descendent. Therefore, during this time, Julia's greatest passion was to find ways to squeeze Roy dry every day…

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon



It was a massive golden vortex. Compared to the dim yellow color of this world, it looked dazzling. It hung high in the sky of this space, and in the center was a deep darkness that could not be seen nor approached. This massive vortex rotated slowly, but it brought with it an unparalleled powerful gravitational force, as though the center of the vortex was a true black hole. All the matter in this world was torn apart, broken down, and then turned into rubble and dust that were sucked into the sky and then entered the vortex.

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon



Julia hugged Roy tightly with one hand and grabbed the missile Roy handed her with the other. This missile felt too big for her, but she could still hold it stably with her strength.

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon

Replied to Metasight


When she suffered an injury, she arrogantly denied this fact, believing that she was not actually injured, so reality distorted due to her pride, making the damage disappear without a trace.

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon



"No, I'm just greeting you. Hello!" Roy replied with a smile. Then he raised his right foot and suddenly kicked the goblin's abdomen. The enormous force sent him flying along with the huge bag!

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon



At this moment, Julia suddenly thought of something, and her face turned slightly red. Lowering her head, she found that Roy's tail was still tightly binding her waist. She subconsciously poked her index fingers against each other and whispered, "Um… Osiris, what you said earlier, is it true?"

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon

Replied to Kyorkuna


What appeared in front of Roy was only a portion of the Invincible Armada. There were more than thirty ships, all of which were sailing warships. The entire fleet carried about twenty thousand soldiers and sailors, as well as nearly a thousand cannons. It was a huge fleet that the Royal Navy could only deal with carefully.

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon


Not sure how I missed this the first time reading since it was something I was actively looking for, but this is the first mention of Osiris being the judge of the dead.

"What do I want?" Roy could not help but glance at Cassandra. Then he extended his claws and slowly clenched his hand finger by finger in front of Jack Sparrow. He said coldly, "What I want is for the people of this world to fear me! I want them to know that my existence represents the existence of the Abyss of Hell! When people commit unforgivable crimes, the gates of Hell will open for them! As for me, Demon Osiris is the judge of the Abyss of Hell!"

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon



The large ship shattered into tens of thousands of pieces in the blink of an eye, as if it had been hit by a bomb weighing thousands of kilograms. However, there was no fire in sight. There were only countless ice crystals reflecting sunlight in the fragments. What a cruel and tragic scene…

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon



[I don't have that much sympathy, to be honest,] I tell him dryly as I look down on all that remains of the reincarnated human. You were one crazy monster, Garralosh, sorry you had to end this way.



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to Wolfbrother444

Name of the Wind

The wandering blacksmith released Walker and sat down in front of him looking at the blueprints and thinking. He eventually lit up again showing excitement. "I don't much like to speak. It wastes time. Congratulations on the skill. I hope that we can both forge in the icy mountains to learn more soon." This was all the wandering blacksmith said. However, there was a weight to these words that rang within Walker. 

Master of none

Master of none

Fantasy · 1King_Rep1



"Girl, I built that gutter. It's my home and I will not have you disrespecting it," retorted Sue. 

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Fantasy · Vongrak



Bodeir just shrugged at the accusation, not really willing to tell the other cultivator that tremor sense was just something he had, and it worked. He might not have been the brightest of the bunch, but his earth affinity was spectacular like his father. The idea that he needed to 'master' his tremor sense was silly. To him, it was like a penguin being shocked at a duck being able to fly. 

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Fantasy · Vongrak


why'd you take her away? she was nice and relaxed. in other words


"Can't we delay it or something? I want to see Lian fight! I didn't even know she'd be in this arena! Please!" begged Bing again. 

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Fantasy · Vongrak



The arena shuddered, and Solo went flying backwards. His clothing had somehow been shredded and his arms were covered in little holes, dripping blood. Solo wasn't going to let a little injury like that stop him though. He slammed his sword into the stone arena halting his backwards momentum. 

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Fantasy · Vongrak
