SERUUU BANGEETTT!!! apalagi pas baca sinopppsiss nya. udah kebayang banget seru nya cerita ini, buku ini rekomend banget untuk kalian!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
DEMI APA SIHH, BANYAK PLOT TWIST ❤️❤️❤️ ga sabar nunggu chapter selanjutnya PLISSS suka bangeettt!!! apalagi pas baca awal sinoppsiss nya udah menarik banget!! ayo mau ajak kalian untuk support buku ini ❤️❤️❤️
ngl I highly recommend this book, especially since the story is so interesting and has lots of plot twists. I can't wait for the next chapter ❤️❤️
interesting book! I can't wait for more chapters to be awesome. The story really made me lose track of time when I read it. this is a great story! you must read it! OMG ❤️❤️❤️❤️
halo bagi yang baca ini, kalian bisa coba untuk baca cerita ini ya. dengan unsur mental ill, dan juga banyak pesan moral. go go check ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I originally got this book from a friend's recommendation, actually when I read the first chapter I was really excited. and when reading the next chapter voila! I'm addicted. ><
ISTG I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK!!?? for real, When I first read it I was very interested in continuing to read it. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS!!
When I first read the synopsis I said "wow, this is very interesting" and when I went back to reading the hashtags, and found the hashtag reincarnation. i'm so excited to read this book !! curious? let's read together! (ᗒᗩᗕ)
merinding aku baca sino**isnya, kayak.. astaga ini anti-mainstream banget wkwkwk, jarang-jarang lho~ apalagi tulisan nya cocok buat baca sambil rebahan hehe, semangat ya Thor !
GA SABAR BANGETTT, bikin ngehalu sama cowoknya hahaha, apalagi ngeliat dari spoooill nya udah penasaran banget! ditunggu next part nya ya author. semangat