As soon as it came out, the water formed an extremely compact and condensed bubble around him, ready to protect him from the incoming volley.
Book&Literature · Snollygoster
Let me know if you want to read the article: "MOST POPULAR BOY AT HOGWARTS?" I didn't have enough time for that.
Book&Literature · Snollygoster
good narrative
"Professor, actually you don't have to worry about it. Although these techniques are mine, they also belong to our Central Country!"
Fantasy · Xuanting_Official
I knew that the ones we were being taught at the Academy were based on the Chinese Zodiac, at least back before, but here no one seemed to quite know from whence they had sprung. Something about a Sage of Six Paths, or some other religious origin was usually attributed as their origin. But, never having heard about that before now, I wasn't sure how much of it to believe.
Anime & Comics · Indra_
The selection of ingredients, the preparation, the tools used, the mixtures and even were finally ready. Athos had learned the basics of alchemy the knowledge of their parents. And a week after turning 9 Athos decided to put your knowledge to the test.
Fantasy · victoralr
My full name is Wolf Rüdiger Hess, my father is the famous Rudolf Hess, but to make it easier for people to understand I just call myself Rudolf. My father forced me into the army at an early age to study, the reason is that is showed exceptional talent in War games and war theory. The beginning was the harshest since people didn't want to show favouritism towards me they always gave me extra work to do, and my home was not any better.
War · Chaos_Overseer
However, the biggest difference lay in his feet. Like his body, his feet were beefier as well, and I did not know how to say this without sounding offensive, but they did not look like sticks. Unlike the regular Golbat, Bruce did not look as if he had skipped leg day his whole life.
Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
Anime & Comics · Azrail93