Historically, Floki was a child when Ragnar was in his adulthood. Floki is a real person so is Rollo, Vikings sort of just brought different historical figures from different times to tell a fictional story. But this is historically more accurate.
Sif had two children from her previous marriage, her youngest child Floki, who was 6, and her daughter Ursa, who was 10.
History · Kelvin_A
Took a long ass break. Hopefully, I can be consistent now. And thank you for staying!
Clementine exited the building with the baby wrapped in her arms and luckily for her, the boy had regained consciousness but he wasn't talking.
Sci-fi · Kelvin_A
I'm planning a sequel that will touch up on everything but with a new protagonist
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Because he's a slave? Read thr first chapter for your answer.
The Son Of Ragnar
History · Kelvin_A