Ginger nut in a spice box 🤣🤣🤣
Fantasy · MayaaMartinez
She figured that the men of Grimvell had the build of a bull, yet their brains could rotate inside a peanut shell for a thousand years and never touch the sides.
Fantasy · MayaaMartinez
I’m really confused about why Karl keeps telling all the people in charge of plotting against him about his plans
"See, that is valuable information to have. Do you know what the plan might be? Because I am considering making a run for it." Karl informed him, letting a bit of his curiosity leak into his voice.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
Why is he telling her all this?? She is a potential enemy 😒
"Just wait. They get spicy when someone stands too close."
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
I feel like they just advanced. What’s the hurry??
The two teams of beasts continued on their routes, but Karl noticed that Remi's side was much more smug, while Hawk and Rae were working double time, trying to grind hard enough to force an advancement.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
"...Do you, perhaps, want to challenge me to a duel?"
Fantasy · Guiltythree
That’s hilarious
So that was it. The Emperor finally discovered the truth...
History · Whistling Autumn Wind
Nodding with a hint of satisfaction, Saint looked down at him, and then headed away.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
"Aren't you just a ray of fucking sunshine?" The Oracle slurred.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
Litera teared up reading this. What a champ.
'My boy is dying and I can't do anything to save him.' Pain was Radoghorn's teacher and his spur. 'I won't let him spend his final moments in regret. I won't let my boy fail. I will stand by his side until the last moment and burn his enemies in a funeral pyre to accompany him in death!'
Supreme Magus
Fantasy · Legion20