To my left there was a tsunami, to my right there was a land slide, behind me was an avalanche, in front of me was a torrent of fire...
Anime & Comics · Ivan_The_Terrible
Thanks for the chapter😁 Btw is ur other novel “Jurassic Hero” on hitaus or dropped???🧐🧐
Thanks for the chapter yea add her to the harem.😝😝😎
Thanks for the chapter
Also this one
[Abilities:] Allows the user to turn into an Ifrit.
Anime & Comics · TeeNo
[Aku-Aku no Mi, Model: Ifrit]
Anime & Comics · TeeNo
Thanks for the chapter!!!!
What happened to Nami????
Is this novel going to continue????????????? Pls Update!!!!!!!!!!!! Pls Update!!!!!!!!!!!!Chapter Release Needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I adapted to using my elements just the way pokemon do it, completely subconsciously with no strain what so ever. And the result ended up being a cooler and stronger version of a certain bald arrow head in the avatar mode, only i was able to have complete control and the change was permanent.
In MHA with a Pokemon quirk
Anime & Comics · Ivan_The_Terrible