Sebuah pesan masuk di akun Facebook milik Arisa yang berisi ungkapan cinta dari teman satu klub Teater setelah 3 Minggu kelulusan.
kegaduhan terjadi dikamar kosannya, dia gugup karena senang berlebihan sehingga merespon pertanyaan itu dengan pertanyaan lain namun disaat Arisa siap mengutarakan perasaannya yang sama , suatu pesan muncul lagi,
'' kau pasti berpikir ini seperti hinaan bagimu''
tulisan berbahasa Inggris itu diartikan demikian oleh Arisa.
'' Hah????! bagaimana bisa dia seenaknya menyimpulkan?!''
after 3 weeks after graduation from senior high school, a message comes up on Arisa's Facebook account containing a confession of love from a theater club friend
there was a commotion in her boarding room, she was nervous because she was very happy, what a stupid reaction, she responded to the question with another question, she pretending not to understand so she can make chat keep going, but it was a wrong decision , when Arisa was ready to tell her true feelings, a message popped up again,
''You must think this is like an insult to you'' he said
'' Hah????! how can he just jump to conclusions?!''