
LV 4
2020-07-23 入りました Global
バッジ 5

Moments 3
1 years ago
Replied to DevilDarkness

Then... Stop reading the novel? You are obviously not enjoying the novel anymore + You aren't adding anything constructive so don't say anything at all?

"I mean, once you sway the board to send an Immortal to put an end to Ghost, his majesty would be happy to offer Princess Victoria's hands to your son in marriage. I am pretty sure that's worth more than the votes of your fellow board members,"

Hitman with a Badass System

Hitman with a Badass System

Action · don_offl

1 years ago

First, Great chapter! I'm glad the inner circle of subordinates are getting the titles that befit them. However I'm a bit lost, I don't know if I have missed Dular response? Last chapter ended with a cliffhanger and at the start Dular just sits down. Unless the lack of response is Dulars way of accepting the title as there's no reaction from the other characters. Anyway, great chapter and look forward to reading more!

2 years ago

First time commenting, so I have to preference that I immensely enjoy this novel. Everything from the characters to the plot to the different views (hypocritical or not). However I did kind of hope to see something more with the line 'Now you made me look the monster', with how the Princess was so ready to offer her unborn child to appease Ghost, I would have thought Ghost would show his disappointment and distain as she just offered a pure, innocent being (in the making) for the King, who is anything but. Again, this is one of my favourite novels, just wanted to share my small little wish, which obvs doesn't matter, I still love the story!