Happy Easter!!! Anywho Ill be posting 3 other chapters today! One will be an authors note but please read it! God bless
Thanks i hope you like the rest of it! If you have any critiques please tell me! God bless!
"Perfect, I'm glad they'll be going soon then we can finally be alone." Thought the figure with a strangely sweet smile.
Horror · M_Jude
I hope you are doing well and if you need to talk im here. I send all my love and support! God bless!
This is great cant wait to see what happens next!
Please inform me if there is no authors note. I also made some corrections but am unsure if Loaded. Thank you!
Shameless self review!! But anywho please comment any advice or corrections you want and feel are needed! Thank you for reading and God bless you all!!
Youre welcome!! I hope you make more amazings books! Stay safe and God bless you!!
Lol same!
Cant wait for the next chapter!!
Back at it again with another shameless 5 star review! Anywho, Thanks for reading this book! I will try to update as often as possible! Have a great day and God bless!!
The New Queen Of The World
Urban · M_Jude