You mean Rae?
The General smiled. "I would imagine. No, the traditional Royal outfits are actually quite militaristic, from the founding days of the nation, when the entire territory was overrun with monsters and magical beasts."
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
Karl rolled her eyes at her. [Did you buy the building that Neko wanted to rent a unit in?]
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
Cara’s ear?
It took them a few minutes, but after carefully examining the inside of Cara's ear and comparing it to Sybil's, Lotus was certain that she could shape her healing magic to recreate the destroyed tissue into a properly functional inner ear construct.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
The idol was probably someone famous in the Capital, but Karl had no idea who the Ascended Rank girl was. The feeling was mutual, but she was well-trained and managed to keep to her routine as she took the stage.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
An Earth Shaman might engrave the rune of destruction into a mine wall to carve away the rock between themselves and the next vein. A Forgemaster might create the runes in the ash pile of a makeshift forge to bring it up to the needed standard. Or they might place the rune in the foam of cheap tavern ale to increase the liquor content and improve the taste to a tolerable level.]
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy.
No offence to those present, but you do realize that Ophelia holds Lotus like a teddy bear, and Karl talks to himself?"
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
Mark Of The Beast
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
Imagine he taught Sybil something he later regrets and has to put her in timeout
That skill felt distinctly like the System was trolling him, but Karl had so many skills that were along the same lines, that it only made sense that he would get something of that sort.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
So, instead of keeping them for herself, she started hurling the bodies into the air. The severed limbs detached as they flew, causing the bodies to rain blood over the battlefield as Rae wove her webs and made the killing fields an impossible maze of sticky silk.
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
Oooofff, what project did my family order for this time?!
"What's up mom? I just finished that project for the Davidson family." She answered.
The First Legendary Beast Master
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku