

LV 15
2020-07-04 入りました Global
バッジ 19

Moments 112
4 months ago


After finishing transferring the technique to Maira, Luan went to Catharina. He said with a sigh, "Catharina, the technique that I will pass on to you is strong, but not the most powerful. Unfortunately, it is the only technique I have that can be of help with your Origin. It is a Fourth Order technique. After completing it, you can learn a new technique. The name of the technique is called: < Star Cloak>. You will be able to create a star mantle with which to attack and defend. This can even be used to ignore gravity and fly. It is a very useful technique and it can be made even better by you as you have the Fabric Star Origin. In any case, I will pass on the first two parts of the technique."

Rise of the White Dragon

Rise of the White Dragon

Fantasy · Lruska

4 months ago

just .... no


"Luan, do you already know who you want to recruit?" Eating parmigiana filet mignon, Elias asked as soon as he finished chewing.

Rise of the White Dragon

Rise of the White Dragon

Fantasy · Lruska

4 months ago

Writing this and im not even through chapter 62 but so far very interesting plot line and build up. Random encounters happen early with short build up. Story and conversations play out like a script rather then a novel but its understandable/legible. The world itself and side characters could use a bit more intro build up but its still the early stages. As long as the main character and plot isnt rushed too much it is looking like a great potential. Writing mistakes and grammar could use some review edit before posting but not as bad as many othrr novels out there.

4 months ago


In her heart, she thought someone like John, an utter scoundrel, truly deserved to be scorned by thousands!

I, the All-Class Magus, All My Awakening Skills are LvMax

I, the All-Class Magus, All My Awakening Skills are LvMax

Fantasy · Cancer_Reo

5 months ago

shadow sovereign is that you?

Feeling familiar psychic fluctuations from the Crystal Skeleton Dragon, Bai Qi finally believed that this dragon, bearing a striking resemblance to the Skeleton Giant Dragon, was indeed Alpha. Moreover, the long, snake-like black aura that coiled around the Crystal Skeleton Dragon was actually the shadow of Orochi formed by the Power of Death.

Beast Taming: I Can Evolve Infinitely

Beast Taming: I Can Evolve Infinitely

Eastern · Desert Paramecium

6 months ago

man, how much longer till you increase this, like everything else just keeps flying! .... well except for the other "normal" laws

[Bloodline(s): Vampyre Progenitor]

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui

6 months ago

if his two split origins are conaidered seperate entities by the universe laws couldnt he make himself a side character there by noah applying to alexander and vice versa.... making himself more rediculous

[Chosen Extras] :: As with any Protagonist, there must be side characters that add something to your journey. They cannot all be left behind and forgotten like weaklings that contribute nothing. This ability allows you to currently choose 5 Extras who will be granted the [Enhanced Growth Perk] that allows them to progress through Realms at a speed comparable to the Protagonist, +100% Increased Loot Effect when defeating enemies, +100% Increase to their Comprehension, and a Thrice increase to their Luck.

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui

7 months ago

she really should be taught the water law and fate law, for sure her skill would match well with fate

The Queen in question was staring out absentmindedly as never in her wildest dreams would she have expected the unique skill her mother passed down, {Golden Rule}- would have ever made something like this possible.

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui

7 months ago

thats just a bit bigger then pluto and pluto is no longer a planet ... canada is bigger as a country then this landmass is a small world...

A mystically floating landmass was amazingly stationed in the void of space, its size nearing that of Small Worlds.

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui

7 months ago

lol essence

The gorgeously shining pills floated happily in front of him as the transparent cauldron disappeared back into the tattoo on his hand. Noah had an amazed expression as he grabbed one of them and popped them in his mouth.

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui